OneFS Snapshot Security

In this era of elevated cyber-crime and data security threats, there is increasing demand for immutable, tamper-proof snapshots. Often this need arises as part of a broader security mandate, ideally proactively, but oftentimes as a response to a security incident. OneFS addresses this requirement in the following ways:

On-cluster Off-cluster
·         Read-only snapshots

·         Snapshot locks

·         Role-based administration

·         SyncIQ snapshot replication

·         Cyber-vaulting


  1. Read-only snapshots

At its core, OneFS SnapshotIQ generates read-only, point-in-time, space efficient copies of a defined subset of a cluster’s data.

Only the changed blocks of a file are stored when updating OneFS snapshots, ensuring efficient storage utilization. They are also highly scalable and typically take less than a second to create, while generating little performance overhead. As such, the RPO (recovery point objective) and RTO (recovery time objective) of a OneFS snapshot can be very small and highly flexible, with the use of rich policies and schedules.

OneFS Snapshots are created manually, via a scheduled, or automatically generated by OneFS to facilitate system operations. But whatever the generation method, once a snapshot has been taken, its contents cannot be manually altered.

  1. Snapshot Locks

In addition to snapshot contents immutability, for an enhanced level of tamper-proofing, SnapshotIQ also provides the ability to lock snapshots with the ‘isi snapshot locks’ CLI syntax. This prevents snapshots from being accidentally or unintentionally deleted.

For example, a manual snapshot, ‘snaploc1’ is taken of /ifs/test:

# isi snapshot snapshots create /ifs/test --name snaploc1

# isi snapshot snapshots list | grep snaploc1

79188 snaploc1                                     /ifs/test

A lock is then placed on it (in this case lock ID=1):

# isi snapshot locks create snaplock1

# isi snapshot locks list snaploc1





Total: 1

Attempts to delete the snapshot fails because the lock prevents its removal:

# isi snapshot snapshots delete snaploc1

Are you sure? (yes/[no]): yes

Snapshot "snaploc1" can't be deleted because it is locked

The CLI command ‘isi snapshot locks delete <lock_ID>’ can be used to clear existing snapshot locks, if desired. For example,  to remove the only lock (ID=1) from snapshot ‘snaploc1’:

# isi snapshot locks list snaploc1





Total: 1

# isi snapshot locks delete snaploc1 1

Are you sure you want to delete snapshot lock 1 from snaploc1? (yes/[no]): yes

# isi snap locks view snaploc1 1

No such lock

Once the lock is removed, the snapshot can then be deleted:

# isi snapshot snapshots delete snaploc1

Are you sure? (yes/[no]): yes

# isi snapshot snapshots list| grep -i snaploc1 | wc -l


Note that a snapshot can have up to a maximum of sixteen locks on it at any time. Also, lock numbers are continually incremented and not recycled upon deletion.

Like snapshot expiry, snapshot locks can also have an expiry time configured. For example, to set a lock on snapshot ‘snaploc1’ that expires at 1am on April 1st April, 2024:

# isi snap lock create snaploc1 --expires '2024-04-01T01:00:00'

# isi snap lock list snaploc1





Total: 1

# isi snap lock view snaploc1 33

     ID: 36


Expires: 2024-04-01T01:00:00

  Count: 1

Note that if the duration period of a particular snapshot lock expires but others remain, OneFS will not delete that snapshot until all the locks on it have been deleted or expired.

The following table provides an example snapshot expiration schedule, with monthly locked snapshots to prevent deletion:

Snapshot Frequency Snapshot Time Snapshot Expiration Max Retained Snapshots
Every other hour Start at 12:00AM

End at 11:59AM

1 day 27
Every day At 12:00AM 1 week
Every week Saturday at 12:00AM 1 month
Every month First Saturday of month at 12:00AM Locked

3. Roles-based Access Control

Read-only snapshots plus locks present physically secure snapshots on a cluster. However, if you are able to login to the cluster and have the required elevated administrator privileges to do so, you can still remove locks and/or delete snapshots.

Since data security threats come from inside an environment as well as out, such as from a disgruntled IT employee or other internal bad actor, another key to a robust security profile is to constrain the use of all-powerful ‘root’, ‘administrator’, and ‘sudo’ accounts as much as possible. Instead, of granting cluster admins full rights, a preferred security best practice is to leverage the comprehensive authentication, authorization, and accounting framework that OneFS natively provides.

OneFS role-based access control (RBAC) can be used to explicitly limit who has access to manage and delete snapshots. This granular control allows administrative roles to be crafted which can create and manage snapshot schedules, but prevent their unlocking and/or deletion. Similarly, lock removal and snapshot deletion can be isolated to a specific security role (or to root only).

A cluster security administrator selects the desired access zone, creates a zone-aware role within it, assigns privileges, and then assigns members.

For example, from the WebUI under Access > Membership and roles > Roles:

When these members login to the cluster via a configuration interface (WebUI, Platform API, or CLI) they inherit their assigned privileges.

The specific privileges that can be used to segment OneFS snapshot management include:

Privilege Description
ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_ALIAS Aliasing for snapshots
ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_LOCKS Locking of snapshots from deletion
ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_PENDING Upcoming snapshot based on schedules
ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_RESTORE Restoring directory to a particular snapshot
ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_SCHEDULES Scheduling for periodic snapshots
ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_SETTING Service and access settings
ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_SNAPSHOT_SUMMARY Snapshot summary and usage details

Each privilege can be assigned one of four permission levels for a role, including:

Permission Indicator Description
No permission.
R Read-only permission.
X Execute permission.
W Write permission.

The ability for a user to delete a snapshot is governed by the ‘ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_SNAPSHOTMANAGEMENT’ privilege.  Similarly, the ‘ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_LOCKS’ governs lock creation and removal.

In the following example, the ‘snap’ role has ‘read’ rights for the ‘ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_LOCKS’ privilege, allowing a user associated with this role to view snapshot locks:

# isi auth roles view snap | grep -I -A 1 locks


     Permission: r


# isi snapshot locks list snaploc1





Total: 1

However, attempts to remove the lock ‘ID 1’ from the ‘snaploc1’ snapshot fail without write privileges:

# isi snapshot locks delete snaploc1 1

Privilege check failed. The following write privilege is required: Snapshot locks (ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_LOCKS)

Write privileges are added to ‘ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_LOCKS’ in the ‘’snaploc1’ role:

# isi auth roles modify snap –-add-priv-write ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_LOCKS

# isi auth roles view snap | grep -I -A 1 locks


     Permission: w


This allows the lock ‘ID 1’ to be successfully deleted from the ‘snaploc1’ snapshot:

# isi snapshot locks delete snaploc1 1

Are you sure you want to delete snapshot lock 1 from snaploc1? (yes/[no]): yes

# isi snap locks view snaploc1 1

No such lock

Using OneFS RBAC, an enhanced security approach for a site could be to create three OneFS roles on a cluster, each with an increasing realm of trust:

a.  First, an IT ops/helpdesk role with ‘read’ access to the snapshot attributes would permit monitoring and troubleshooting, but no changes:

Snapshot Privilege Permission

b.  Next, a cluster admin role, with ‘read’ privileges for ‘ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_LOCKS’ and ‘ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT_SNAPSHOTMANAGEMENT’ would prevent snapshot and lock deletion, but provide ‘write’ access for schedule configuration, restores, etc..

Snapshot Privilege Permission

c.  Finally, a cluster security admin role (root equivalence) would provide full snapshot configuration and management, lock control, and deletion rights:

Snapshot Privilege Permission

Note that when configuring OneFS RBAC, remember to remove the ‘ISI_PRIV_AUTH’ and ‘ISI_PRIV_ROLE’ privilege from all but the most trusted administrators.

Additionally, enterprise security management tools such as CyberArk can also be incorporated to manage authentication and access control holistically across an environment. These can be configured to frequently change passwords on trusted accounts (ie. every hour or so), require multi-Level approvals prior to retrieving passwords, as well as track and audit password requests and trends.

While this article focuses exclusively on OneFS snapshots, the expanded use of RBAC granular privileges for enhanced security is germane to most key areas of cluster management and data protection, such as SyncIQ replication, etc.

  1. Snapshot replication

In addition to utilizing snapshots for its own checkpointing system, SyncIQ, the OneFS data replication engine, supports snapshot replication to a target cluster.

OneFS SyncIQ replication policies contain an option for triggering a replication policy when a snapshot of the source directory is completed. Additionally, at the onset of a new policy configuration, when the “Whenever a Snapshot of the Source Directory is Taken” option is selected, a checkbox appears to enable any existing snapshots in the source directory to be replicated. More information is available in this SyncIQ paper.

  1. Cyber-vaulting

File data is arguably the most difficult to protect, because:

  • It is the only type of data where potentially all employees have a direct connection to the storage (with the other type of storage it’s via an application)
  • File data is linked (or mounted) to the operating system of the client. This means that it’s sufficient to gain file access to the OS to get access to potentially critical data.
  • Users are the largest breach points that happen.

The Cyber Security Framework (CSF) from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) categorizes the threat through recovery process:

Within the ‘Protect’ phase, there are two core aspects:

  • Applying all the core protection features available on the OneFS platform, namely:
Feature Description
Access control Where the core data protection functions are being executed. Assess who actually needs write access.
Immutability Having immutable snapshots, replica versions, etc. Augmenting backup strategy with an archiving strategy with SmartLock WORM.
Encryption Encrypting both data in-flight and data at rest.
Anti-virus Integrating with anti-virus/anti-malware protection that does content inspection.
Security advisories Dell Security Advisories (DSA) inform about fixes to common vulnerabilities and exposures.


  • Data isolation provides a last resort copy of business critical data, and can be achieved by using an air gap to isolate the cyber vault copy of the data. The vault copy is logically separated from the production copy of the data. Data syncing happens only intermittently by closing the airgap after ensuring there are no known issues.

The combination of OneFS snapshots and SyncIQ replication allows for granular data recovery. This means that only the affected files are recovered, while the most recent changes are preserved for the unaffected data. While an on-prem air-gapped cyber vault can still provide secure network isolation, in the event of an attack, the ability to failover to a fully operational ‘clean slate’ remote site provides additional security and peace of mind.

We’ll explore PowerScale cyber protection and recovery in more depth in a future article.

OneFS SupportAssist Management and Troubleshooting

In this final article in the OneFS SupportAssist series, we turn our attention to management and troubleshooting.

Once the provisioning process above is complete, the ‘isi supportassist settings view’ CLI command reports the status and health of SupportAssist operations on the cluster.

# isi supportassist settings view

        Service enabled: Yes

       Connection State: enabled

      OneFS Software ID: xxxxxxxxxx

          Network Pools: subnet0:pool0

        Connection mode: direct

           Gateway host: -

           Gateway port: -

    Backup Gateway host: -

    Backup Gateway port: -

  Enable Remote Support: Yes

Automatic Case Creation: Yes

       Download enabled: Yes

This can also be obtained from the WebUI by navigating to Cluster management > General settings > SupportAssist:

There are some caveats and considerations to keep in mind when upgrading to OneFS 9.5 and enabling SupportAssist, including:

  • SupportAssist is disabled when STIG Hardening applied to cluster
  • Using SupportAssist on a hardened cluster is not supported
  • Clusters with the OneFS network firewall enabled (‘isi network firewall settings’) may need to allow outbound traffic on port 9443.
  • SupportAssist is supported on a cluster that’s running in Compliance mode
  • Secure keys are held in Key manager under the RICE domain

Also, note that ESRS can no longer be used after SupportAssist has been provisioned on a cluster.

SupportAssist has a variety of components that gather and transmit various pieces of OneFS data and telemetry to Dell Support and backend services through the Embedded Service Enabler (ESE.  These workflows include CELOG events; In-product activation (IPA) information; CloudIQ telemetry data; Isi-Gather-info (IGI) logsets; and provisioning, configuration, and authentication data to ESE and the various backend services.

Activity Information
Events and alerts SupportAssist can be configured to send CELOG events..
Diagnostics The OneFS isi diagnostics gather and isi_gather_info logfile collation and transmission commands have a SupportAssist option.
Healthchecks HealthCheck definitions are updated using SupportAssist.
License Activation The isi license activation start command uses SupportAssist to connect.
Remote Support Remote Support uses SupportAssist and the Connectivity Hub to assist customers with their clusters.
Telemetry CloudIQ telemetry data is sent using SupportAssist.


Once SupportAssist is up and running, it can be configured to send CELOG events and attachments via ESE to CLM. This can be managed by the ‘isi event channels’ CLI command syntax. For example:

# isi event channels list

ID   Name                Type          Enabled


1    RemoteSupport       connectemc    No

2    Heartbeat Self-Test heartbeat     Yes

3    SupportAssist       supportassist No


Total: 3

# isi event channels view SupportAssist

     ID: 3

   Name: SupportAssist

   Type: supportassist

Enabled: No

Or from the WebUI:

CloudIQ Telemetry

In OneFS 9.5, SupportAssist provides an option to send telemetry data to CloudIQ. This can be enabled from the CLI as follows;

# isi supportassist telemetry modify --telemetry-enabled 1 --telemetry-persist 0

# isi supportassist telemetry view

        Telemetry Enabled: Yes

        Telemetry Persist: No

        Telemetry Threads: 8

Offline Collection Period: 7200

Or via the SupportAssist WebUI:


Diagnostics Gather

Also in OneFS 9.5, the ‘isi diagnostics gather’ and ‘isi_gather_info’ CLI commands both now include a ‘–supportassist’ upload option for log gathers, which also allows them to continue to function when the cluster is unhealthy via a new ‘Emergency mode’. For example, to start a gather from the CLI that will be uploaded via SupportAssist:

# isi diagnostics gather start –supportassist 1

Similarly, for the isi_gather_info utility:

# isi_gather_info --supportassist

Or to explicitly avoid using SupportAssist for ISI gather info log gather upload:

# isi_gather_info --nosupportassist

This can also be configured from the WebUI via Cluster management > General configuration > Diagnostics > Gather:


License Activation

A cluster’s product licenses can also be managed through SupportAssist in OneFS 9.5.

PowerScale License Activation (previously known as In-Product Activation) facilitates the management of the cluster’s entitlements and licenses by communicating directly with Software Licensing Central via SupportAssist.

To activate OneFS product licenses through the SupportAssist WebUI, navigate to Cluster management > Licensing. For example, on a new cluster without any signed licenses:

Click the button Update & Refresh in the License Activation section. In the ‘Activation File Wizard’, select the desired software modules.

Next select ‘Review changes’, review, click ‘Proceed’, and finally ‘Activate’.

Note that it can take up to 24 hours for the activation to occur.

Alternatively, cluster License activation codes (LAC) can also be added manually.


When it comes to troubleshooting SupportAssist, the basic process flow is as follows:

The OneFS components and services above are:

Component Info
ESE Embedded Service Enabler.
isi_rice_d Remote Information Connectivity Engine (RICE).
isi_crispies_d Coordinator for RICE Incidental Service Peripherals including ESE Start.
Gconfig OneFS centralized configuration infrastructure.
MCP Master Control Program – starts, monitors, and restarts OneFS services.
Tardis Configuration service and database.
Transaction journal Task manager for RICE.


Of these, ESE, isi_crispies_d, isi_rice_d, and the Transaction Journal are new in OneFS 9.5 and exclusive to SupportAssist. In contrast, Gconfig, MCP, and Tardis are all legacy services that are used by multiple other OneFS components.

For its connectivity, SupportAssist elects a single leader single node within the subnet pool, and NANON nodes are automatically avoided. Ports 443 and 8443 are required to be open for bi-directional communication between the cluster and Connectivity Hub, and port 9443 is for communicating with a gateway. The SupportAssist ESE component communicates with a number of Dell backend services, including SRS, Connectivity Hub, ELMS licensing, CloudIQ, ESE, etc.

As such, debugging backend issues may involve one or more services, and Dell Support can assist with this process.

The main log files for investigating and troubleshooting SupportAssist issues and idiosyncrasies are isi_rice_d.log and isi_crispies_d.log. These is also an ese_log, which can be useful, too. These can be found at:

Component Logfile Location Info
Rice /var/log/isi_rice_d.log Per node
Crispies /var/log/isi_crispies_d.log Per node
ESE /ifs/.ifsvar/ese/var/log/ESE.log Cluster-wise for single instance ESE


Debug level logging can be configured from the CLI as follows:

# isi_for_array isi_ilog -a isi_crispies_d --level=debug+

# isi_for_array isi_ilog -a isi_rice_d --level=debug+

Note that the OneFS log gathers (such as the output from the isi_gather_info utility) will capture all the above log files, plus the pertinent SupportAssist Gconfig contexts and Tardis namespaces, for later analysis.

If needed, the Rice and ESE configurations can also be viewed as follows:

# isi_gconfig -t ese

[root] {version:1}

ese.mode (char*) = direct

ese.connection_state (char*) = disabled

ese.enable_remote_support (bool) = true

ese.automatic_case_creation (bool) = true

ese.event_muted (bool) = false

ese.primary_contact.first_name (char*) =

ese.primary_contact.last_name (char*) = (char*) = (char*) =

ese.primary_contact.language (char*) =

ese.secondary_contact.first_name (char*) =

ese.secondary_contact.last_name (char*) = (char*) = (char*) =

ese.secondary_contact.language (char*) =

(empty dir ese.gateway_endpoints)

ese.defaultBackendType (char*) = srs

ese.ipAddress (char*) =

ese.useSSL (bool) = true

ese.srsPrefix (char*) = /esrs/{version}/devices

ese.directEndpointsUseProxy (bool) = false

ese.enableDataItemApi (bool) = true

ese.usingBuiltinConfig (bool) = false

ese.productFrontendPrefix (char*) = platform/16/supportassist

ese.productFrontendType (char*) = webrest

ese.contractVersion (char*) = 1.0

ese.systemMode (char*) = normal

ese.srsTransferType (char*) = ISILON-GW

ese.targetEnvironment (char*) = PROD

And for Rice:

# isi_gconfig -t rice

[root] {version:1}

rice.enabled (bool) = false

rice.ese_provisioned (bool) = false

rice.hardware_key_present (bool) = false

rice.supportassist_dismissed (bool) = false

rice.eligible_lnns (char*) = []

rice.instance_swid (char*) =

rice.task_prune_interval (int) = 86400

rice.last_task_prune_time (uint) = 0

rice.event_prune_max_items (int) = 100

rice.event_prune_days_to_keep (int) = 30

rice.jnl_tasks_prune_max_items (int) = 100

rice.jnl_tasks_prune_days_to_keep (int) = 30

rice.config_reserved_workers (int) = 1

rice.event_reserved_workers (int) = 1

rice.telemetry_reserved_workers (int) = 1

rice.license_reserved_workers (int) = 1

rice.log_reserved_workers (int) = 1

rice.download_reserved_workers (int) = 1

rice.misc_task_workers (int) = 3

rice.accepted_terms (bool) = false

(empty dir rice.network_pools)

rice.telemetry_enabled (bool) = true

rice.telemetry_persist (bool) = false

rice.telemetry_threads (uint) = 8

rice.enable_download (bool) = true

rice.init_performed (bool) = false

rice.ese_disconnect_alert_timeout (int) = 14400

rice.offline_collection_period (uint) = 7200

The ‘-q’ flag can also be used in conjunction with the isi_gconfig command to identify any values that are not at their default settings. For example, the stock (default) Rice gconfig context will not report any configuration entries:

# isi_gconfig -q -t rice

[root] {version:1}

OneFS SupportAssist Provisioning – Part 2

In the previous article in this OneFS SupportAssist series, we reviewed the off-cluster prerequisites for enabling OneFS SupportAssist:

  1. Upgrading the cluster to OneFS 9.5.
  2. Obtaining the secure access key and PIN.
  3. Selecting either direct connectivity or gateway connectivity.
  4. If using gateway connectivity, installing Secure Connect Gateway v5.x.

In this article, we turn our attention to step 5 – provisioning SupportAssist on the cluster.

Note that, as part of this process, we’ll be using the access key and PIN credentials previously obtained from the Dell Support portal in step 2 above.

Provisioning SupportAssist on a cluster

SupportAssist can be configured from the OneFS 9.5 WebUI by navigating to ‘Cluster management > General settings > SupportAssist’. To initiate the provisioning process on a cluster, click on the ‘Connect SupportAssist’ link, as below:

Note that if SupportAssist is unconfigured, the Remote Support page displays the following banner warning of the future deprecation of SRS:

Similarly, when unconfigured, the SupportAssist WebUI page also displays verbiage recommending the adoption of SupportAssist:

There is also a ‘Connect SupportAssist’ button to begin the provisioning process.

  1. Accepting the telemetry notice.

Selecting the ‘Configure SupportAssist’ button initiates the following setup wizard. The first step requires checking and accepting the Infrastructure Telemetry Notice:


  1. Support Contract.

For the next step, enter the details for the primary support contact, as prompted:

Or from the CLI using the ‘isi supportassist contacts’ command set. For example:

# isi supportassist contacts modify --primary-first-name=Nick --primary-last-name=Trimbee


  1. Establish Connections.

Next, complete the ‘Establish Connections’ page

This involves the following steps:

  • Selecting the network pool(s).
  • Adding the secure access key and PIN,
  • Configuring either direct or gateway access
  • Selecting whether to allow remote support, CloudIQ telemetry, and auto case creation.

a.  Select network pool(s).

At least one statically-allocated IPv4 network subnet and pool is required for provisioning SupportAssist. As of OneFS 9.5, does not support IPv6 networking for SupportAssist remote connectivity. However, IPv6 support is planned for a future release.

Select one or more network pools or subnets from the options displayed. For example, in this case ‘subnet0pool0’:

Or from the CLI:

Select one or more static subnet/pools for outbound communication. This can be performed via the following CLI syntax:

# isi supportassist settings modify --network-pools="subnet0.pool0"

Additionally, if the cluster has the OneFS 9.5 network firewall enabled (‘isi network firewall settings’), ensure that outbound traffic is allowed on port 9443.

b.  Add secure access key and PIN.

In this next step, add the secure access key and pin. These should have been obtained in an earlier step in the provisioning procedure from the following Dell Support site:

Alternatively, if configuring SupportAssist via the OneFS CLI, add the key and pin via the following syntax:

# isi supportassist provision start --access-key <key> --pin <pin>


c.  Configure access.

  i.  Direct access.

From the WebUI, under ‘Cluster management > General settings > SupportAssist’ select the ‘Connect directly’ button:

Or from the CLI. For example, to configure direct access (the default), ensure the following parameter is set:

# isi supportassist settings modify --connection-mode direct

# isi supportassist settings view | grep -i "connection mode"

        Connection mode: direct

  ii.  Gateway access.

Alternatively, to connect via a gateway, check the ‘Connect via Secure Connect Gateway’ button:

Complete the ‘gateway host’ and ‘gateway port’ fields as appropriate for the environment.

Alternatively, to set up a gateway configuration from the CLI, use the ‘isi supportassist settings modify’ syntax. For example, to configure using the gateway FQDN ‘’ and the default port ‘9443’:

# isi supportassist settings modify --connection-mode gateway

# isi supportassist settings view | grep -i "connection mode"

        Connection mode: gateway

# isi supportassist settings modify --gateway-host --gateway-port 9443

When setting up the gateway connectivity option, Secure Connect Gateway v5.0 or later must be deployed within the data center. Note that SupportAssist is incompatible with either ESRS gateway v3.52 or SAE gateway v4. However, Secure Connect Gateway v5.x is backwards compatible with PowerScale OneFS ESRS, which allows the gateway to be provisioned and configured ahead of a cluster upgrade to OneFS 9.5.


d.  Configure support options.

Finally, configure the desired support options:

When complete, the WebUI will confirm that SmartConnect is successfully configured and enabled, as follows:

Or from the CLI:

# isi supportassist settings view

        Service enabled: Yes

       Connection State: enabled

      OneFS Software ID: ELMISL0223BJJC

          Network Pools: subnet0.pool0, subnet0.testpool1, subnet0.testpool2, subnet0.testpool3, subnet0.testpool4

        Connection mode: gateway

           Gateway host:

           Gateway port: 9443

    Backup Gateway host:

    Backup Gateway port: 9443

  Enable Remote Support: Yes

Automatic Case Creation: Yes

       Download enabled: Yes

OneFS SupportAssist Provisioning – Part 1

In OneFS 9.5, several OneFS components also now leverage SupportAssist as their secure off-cluster data retrieval and communication channel. These include:

Component Details
Events and Alerts SupportAssist can send CELOG events and attachments via ESE to CLM.
Diagnostics Logfile gathers can be uploaded to Dell via SupportAssist.
License activation License activation uses SupportAssist for the ‘isi license activation start’ CLI cmd
Telemetry Telemetry is sent through SupportAssist to CloudIQ for analytics
Health check Health check definition downloads will now leverage SupportAssist
Remote Support Remote Support now uses SupportAssist along with Connectivity Hub

For existing clusters, SupportAssist supports the same basic workflows as its predecessor, ESRS. This makes the transition from old to new generally pretty seamless.

As such, the overall process for enabling OneFS SupportAssist is as follows:

  1. Upgrade the cluster to OneFS 9.5.
  2. Obtain the secure access key and PIN.
  3. Select either direct connectivity or gateway connectivity.
  4. If using gateway connectivity, install Secure Connect Gateway v5.x.
  5. Provision SupportAssist on the cluster.

We’ll go through each of the configuration steps above in order:

  1. Upgrading to OneFS 9.5.

First, the cluster must be running OneFS 9.5 in order to configure SupportAssist.

There are some additional considerations and caveats to bear in mind when upgrading to OneFS 9.5 and planning on enabling SupportAssist. These include the following:

  • SupportAssist is disabled when STIG Hardening applied to cluster
  • Using SupportAssist on a hardened cluster is not supported.
  • Clusters with the OneFS network firewall enabled (‘isi network firewall settings’) may need to allow outbound traffic on ports 443 and 8443, plus 9443 if gateway (SCG) connectivity is configured.
  • SupportAssist is supported on a cluster that’s running in Compliance mode

If upgrading from an earlier release, the OneFS 9.5 upgrade to must be committed before SupportAssist can be provisioned.

Also, ensure that the user account that will be used to enable SupportAssist belongs to a role with the ‘ISI_PRIV_REMOTE_SUPPORT’ read and write privilege:

# isi auth privileges | grep REMOTE
ISI_PRIV_REMOTE_SUPPORT                           Configure remote support

For example, the ‘ese’ user account below:

# isi auth roles view SupportAssistRole
       Name: SupportAssistRole
Description: -
    Members: ese
             ID: ISI_PRIV_LOGIN_PAPI
     Permission: r
     Permission: w


  1. Obtaining secure access key and PIN.

An access key and pin are required in order to provision SupportAssist, and these secure keys are held in Key manager under the RICE domain. This access key and pin can be obtained from the following Dell Support site:

In the Quick link navigation bar, select the ‘Generate Access key’ link:

On the following page, select the appropriate button:

The credentials required to obtain an access key and pin vary depending on prior cluster configuration. Sites that have previously provisioned ESRS will need their OneFS Software ID (SWID) to obtain their access key and pin.

The ‘isi license list’ CLI command can be used to determine a cluster’s SWID. For example:

# isi license list | grep "OneFS Software ID"

OneFS Software ID: ELMISL999CKKD

However, customers with new clusters and/or have not previously provisioned ESRS or SupportAssist will require their Site ID in order to obtain the access key and pin.

Note that any new cluster hardware shipping after January 2023 will already have a built-in key, so this key can be used in place of the Site ID above.

For example, if this is the first time registering this cluster and it does not have a built-in key, select ‘Yes, let’s register’:

Enter the Site ID, site name, and location information for the cluster:

Choose a 4-digit PIN and save it for future reference. After that click the ‘Create My Access Key’ button:

Next, the access key is generated:

An automated email is sent from the ‘Dell | ServicesConnectivity Team’ containing the pertinent key info. For example:

Note that this access key is valid for one week, after which it automatically expires.


  1. Direct or gateway topology decision. 

A topology decision will need to be made between implementing either direct connectivity or gateway connectivity, depending on the needs of the environment:

  • Direct Connect:

  • Gateway Connect:

SupportAssist uses ports 443 and 8443 by default for bi-directional communication between the cluster and Connectivity Hub. As such, these ports will need to be open across any firewalls or packet filters between the cluster and the corporate network edge to allow connectivity to Dell Support.

Additionally, port 9443 is used for communicating with a gateway (SCG).

# grep -i esrs /etc/services

isi_esrs_d      9443/tcp  #EMC Secure Remote Support outbound alerts


  1. Optional Secure Connect Gateway installation.

This step is only required when deploying a Secure Connect gateway. If a direct connect topology is desired, go directly to step 5 below.

When configuring SupportAssist with the gateway connectivity option, Secure Connect Gateway v5.0 or later must be deployed within the data center.

Dell Secure Connect Gateway (SCG) is available for Linux, Windows, Hyper-V, and VMware environments, and as of writing, the latest version is The installation binaries can be downloaded from:

The procedure to download SCG is as follows:

  1. Sign in to . The Secure Connect Gateway – Application Edition page is displayed. If you have issues signing in using your business account or unable to access the page even after signing in, contact Dell Administrative Support.
  2. In the Quick links section, click Generate Access key.
  3. On the Generate Access Key page, perform the following steps:
  4. Select a site ID, site name, or site location.
  5. Enter a four-digit PIN and click Generate key. An access key is generated and sent to your email address. NOTE: The access key and PIN must be used within seven days and cannot be used to register multiple instances of secure connect gateway.
  6. Click Done.
  7. On the Secure Connect Gateway – Application Edition page, click the Drivers & Downloads tab.
  8. Search and select the required version.
  9. In the ACTION column, click Download.

The following steps are required in order to setup SCG:

Pertinent resources for installing SCG include:

Users guide, for system and network requirements, steps to create business account, and installation instructions.

Support matrix, for supported devices, protocols, firmware versions, and operating systems:

The SCG dashboard page displays a variety of device and network information, status, and metrics. For example:

Another useful source of SCG installation, configuration, and troubleshooting information is the Dell support forum:


  1. Provisioning SupportAssist on the cluster.

At this point, the off-cluster pre-staging work should be complete.

In the next article in this series, we turn our attention to the SupportAssist provisioning process on the cluster itself (step 5).

OneFS SupportAssist Architecture and Operation

The previous article in this series looked at an overview of OneFS SupportAssist. Now, we’ll turn our attention to its core architecture and operation.

Under the hood, SupportAssist relies on the following infrastructure and services:

Service Name
ESE Embedded Service Enabler.
isi_rice_d Remote Information Connectivity Engine (RICE).
isi_crispies_d Coordinator for RICE Incidental Service Peripherals including ESE Start.
Gconfig OneFS centralized configuration infrastructure.
MCP Master Control Program – starts, monitors, and restarts OneFS services.
Tardis Configuration service and database.
Transaction journal Task manager for RICE.

Of these, ESE, isi_crispies_d, isi_rice_d, and the Transaction Journal are new in OneFS 9.5 and exclusive to SupportAssist. In contrast, Gconfig, MCP, and Tardis are all legacy services that are used by multiple other OneFS components.

The Remote Information Connectivity Engine (RICE) represents the new SupportAssist ecosystem for OneFS to connect to the Dell backend, and the high level architecture is as follows:

Dell’s Embedded Service Enabler (ESE) is at the core of the connectivity platform and acts as a unified communications broker between the PowerScale cluster and Dell Support. ESE runs as a OneFS service and, on startup, looks for an on-premises gateway server. If none is found, it connects back to the connectivity pipe (SRS). The collector service then interacts with ESE to send telemetry, obtain upgrade packages, transmit alerts and events, etc.

Depending on the available resources, ESE provides a base functionality with additional optional capabilities to enhance serviceability. ESE is multithreaded, and each payload type is handled by specific threads. For example, events are handled by event threads, binary and structured payloads are handled by web threads, etc. Within OneFS, ESE gets installed to /usr/local/ese and runs as ‘ese’ user and  group.

The responsibilities of isi_rice_d include listening for network changes, getting eligible nodes elected for communication, monitoring notifications from CRISPIES, and engaging Task Manager when ESE is ready to go.

The Task Manager is a core component of the RICE engine. Its responsibility is to watch the incoming tasks that are placed into the journal and assign workers to step through the tasks state machine until completion. It controls the resource utilization (python threads) and distributes tasks that are waiting on a priority basis.

The ‘isi_crispies_d’ service exists to ensure that ESE is only running on the RICE active node, and nowhere else. It acts, in effect, like a specialized MCP just for ESE and RICE-associated services, such as IPA. This entails starting ESE on the RICE active node, re-starting it if it crashes on the RICE active node, and stopping it and restarting it on the appropriate node if the RICE active instance moves to another node. We are using ‘isi_crispies_d’ for this, and not MCP, because MCP does not support a service running on only one node at a time.

The core responsibilities of ‘isi_crispies_d’ include:

  • Starting and stopping ESE on the RICE active node
  • Monitoring ESE and restarting, if necessary. ‘isi_crispies_d’ restarts ESE on the node if it crashes. It will retry a couple of times and then notify RICE if it’s unable to start ESE.
  • Listening for gconfig changes and updating ESE. Stopping ESE if unable to make a change and notifying RICE.
  • Monitoring other related services.

The state of ESE, and of other RICE service peripherals, is stored in the OneFS tardis configuration database so that it can be checked by RICE. Similarly, ‘isi_crispies_d’ monitors the OneFS Tardis configuration database to see which node is designated as the RICE ‘active’ node.

The ‘isi_telemetry_d’ daemon is started by MCP and runs when SupportAssist is enabled. It does not have to be running on the same node as the active RICE and ESE instance. Only one instance of ‘isi_telemetry_d’ will be active at any time, and the other nodes will be waiting for the lock.

The current status and setup of SupportAssist on a PowerScale cluster can be queried via the ‘isi supportassist settings view’ CLI command. For example:

# isi supportassist settings view

        Service enabled: Yes

       Connection State: enabled

      OneFS Software ID: ELMISL08224764

          Network Pools: subnet0:pool0

        Connection mode: direct

           Gateway host: -

           Gateway port: -

    Backup Gateway host: -

    Backup Gateway port: -

  Enable Remote Support: Yes

Automatic Case Creation: Yes

       Download enabled: Yes

This can also be obtained from the WebUI by navigating to Cluster management > General settings > SupportAssist:

SupportAssist can be enabled and disabled via the ‘isi services’ CLI command set. For example:

# isi services isi_supportassist disable

The service 'isi_supportassist' has been disabled.

# isi services isi_supportassist enable

The service 'isi_supportassist' has been enabled.

# isi services -a | grep supportassist

   isi_supportassist    SupportAssist Monitor                    Enabled

The core services can be checked as follows:

# ps -auxw | grep -e 'rice' -e 'crispies' | grep -v grep

root    8348    9.4  0.0 109844  60984  -  Ss   22:14        0:00.06 /usr/libexec/isilon/isi_crispies_d /usr/bin/isi_crispies_d

root    8183    8.8  0.0 108060  64396  -  Ss   22:14        0:01.58 /usr/libexec/isilon/isi_rice_d /usr/bin/isi_rice_d

Note that once a cluster is provisioned with SupportAssist, ESRS can no longer be used. However, customers that have not previously connected their clusters to Dell Support may still provision ESRS, but will be presented with a message encouraging them to adopt the best practice of using SupportAssist

Additionally, SupportAssist in OneFS 9.5 does not currently support IPv6 networking, so clusters deployed in IPv6 environments should continue to use ESRS until SupportAssist IPv6 integration is introduced in a future OneFS release.

OneFS SupportAssist

Amongst the myriad of new features that are introduced in the OneFS 9.5 release is SupportAssist, Dell’s next-gen remote connectivity system.

Dell SupportAssist helps rapidly identify, diagnose, and resolve cluster issues fast, and provides the following key benefits:

  • Improve productivity by replacing manual routines with automated support.
  • Accelerate resolution, or avoid issues completely, with predictive issue detection and proactive remediation.
  • SupportAssist is included with all support plans (features vary based on service level agreement).

Within OneFS, SupportAssist is intended for transmitting events, logs, and telemetry from PowerScale to Dell support. As such, it provides a full replacement for the legacy ESRS.

Delivering a consistent remote support experience across the Dell storage portfolio, SupportAssist is intended for all sites that can send telemetry off-cluster to Dell over the internet. SupportAssist integrates the Dell Embedded Service Enabler (ESE) into PowerScale OneFS along with a suite of daemons to allow its use on a distributed system

SupportAssist ESRS
Dell’s next generation remote connectivity solution. Being phased out of service.
Can either connect directly, or via supporting gateways. Can only use gateways for remote connectivity.
Uses Connectivity Hub to coordinate support. Uses ServiceLink to coordinate support.
Requires access key and pin, or hardware key, to enable. Uses customer username and password to enable.

SupportAssist uses Dell Connectivity Hub and can either interact directly, or through a Secure Connect gateway.

SupportAssist comprises a variety of components that gather and transmit various pieces of OneFS data and telemetry to Dell Support, via the Embedded Service Enabler (ESE).  These workflows include CELOG events, In-product activation (IPA) information, CloudIQ telemetry data, Isi-Gather-info (IGI) logsets, and provisioning, configuration and authentication data to ESE and the various backend services.

Operation Details
Event Notification In OneFS 9.5, SupportAssist can be configured to send CELOG events and attachments via ESE to CLM.   CELOG has a ‘supportassist’ channel that, when active, will create an EVENT task for SupportAssist to propagate.
License Activation The isi license activation start command uses SupportAssist to connect.

Several pieces of PowerScale and OneFS functionality require licenses, and to register and must communicate with the Dell backend services in order to activate those cluster licenses. In OneFS 9.5, SupportAssist is the preferred mechanism to send those license activations via the Embedded Service Enabler(ESE) to the Dell backend. License information can be generated via the ‘isi license generate’ CLI command, and then activated via the ‘isi license activation start’ syntax.

Provisioning SupportAssist must register with backend services in a process known as provisioning.  This process must be executed before the Embedded Service Enabler(ESE) will respond on any of its other available API endpoints.  Provisioning can only successfully occur once per installation, and subsequent provisioning tasks will fail. SupportAssist must be configured via the CLI or WebUI before provisioning.  The provisioning process uses authentication information that was stored in the key manager upon the first boot.
Diagnostics The OneFS isi diagnostics gather and isi_gather_info logfile collation and transmission commands have a –supportassist option.
Healthchecks HealthCheck definitions are updated using SupportAssist.
Telemetry CloudIQ Telemetry data is sent using SupportAssist.
Remote Support Remote Support uses SupportAssist and the Connectivity Hub to assist customers with their clusters.

SupportAssist requires an access key and PIN, or hardware key, in order to be enabled, with most customers likely using the access key and pin method. Secure keys are held in Key manager under the RICE domain.

In addition to the transmission of data from the cluster to Dell, Connectivity Hub also allows inbound remote support sessions to be established for remote cluster troubleshooting.

In the next article in this series, we’ll take a deeper look at the SupportAssist architecture and operation.

OneFS SmartQoS Monitoring and Troubleshooting

The previous articles in this series have covered the SmartQoS architecture, configuration, and management. Now, we’ll turn out attention to monitoring and troubleshooting.

The ‘isi statistics workload’ CLI command can be used to monitor the dataset’s performance. The ‘Ops’ column displays the current protocol operations per second. In the following example, OPs stabilize  around 9.8, which is just below the configured limit value of 10 Ops.

# isi statistics workload --dataset ds1 & data

Similarly, this next example from the SmartQoS WebUI shows a small NFS workflow performing 497 protocol OPS in a pinned workload with a limit of 500 OPS:

Multiple paths and protocols can be pinned by selecting ‘Pin Workload’ option for a given Dataset. Here, four directory path workloads are each configured with different Protocol OPs limits:

When it comes to troubleshooting SmartQoS, there are a few areas that are worth checking right away, including the SmartQoS Ops limit configuration, isi_pp_d and isi_stats_d daemons, and the protocol service(s).

  1. For suspected Ops limit configuration issues, first confirm that the SmartQoS limits feature is enabled:
# isi performance settings view
Top N Collections: 1024
Time In Queue Threshold (ms): 10.0
Target read latency in microseconds: 12000.0
Target write latency in microseconds: 12000.0
Protocol Ops Limit Enabled: Yes

Next, verify that the workload level protocols_ops limit is correctly configured:

# isi performance workloads view <workload>

Check whether any errors are reported in the isi_tardis_d configuration log:

# cat /var/log/isi_tardis_d.log
  1. To investigating isi_pp_d, first check that the service is enabled
# isi services –a isi_pp_d

Service 'isi_pp_d' is enabled.

If necessary, the isi_pp_d service can be restarted as follows:

# isi services isi_pp_d disable

Service 'isi_pp_d' is disabled.

# isi services isi_pp_d enable

Service 'isi_pp_d' is enabled.

There’s also an isi_pp_d debug tool, which can be helpful in a pinch:

# isi_pp_d -h

Usage: isi_pp_d [-ldhs]

-l Run as a leader process; otherwise, run as a follower. Only one leader process on the cluster will be active.

-d Run in debug mode (do not daemonize).

-s Display pp_leader node (devid and lnn)

-h Display this help.

Debugging can be enabled on the isi_pp_d log file with the following command syntax:

# isi_ilog -a isi_pp_d -l debug, /var/log/isi_pp_d.log

For example, the following log snippet shows a typical isi_ppd_d.log message communication between isi_pp_d leader and isi_pp_d followers:


[090500b000000b80,08020000:0000bfddffffffff,09000100:ffbcff7cbb9779de,09000100:d8d2fee9ff9e3bfe,090001 00:0000000075f0dfdf]      

100,,,,20,1658854839  < in the format of <workload_id, cputime, disk_reads, disk_writes, protocol_ops, timestamp>

Here, the extract from the /var/log/isi_pp_d.log logfiles from nodes 1 and 2 of a cluster illustrate the different stages of Protocol Ops limit enforcement and usage:

  1. To investigate the isi_stats_d, first confirm that the isi_pp_d service is enabled:
# isi services -a isi_stats_d
Service 'isi_stats_d' is enabled.

If necessary, the isi_stats_d service can be restarted as follows:

# isi services isi_stats_d disable

# isi services isi_stats_d enable

The workload level statistics can be viewed with the following command:

# isi statistics workload list --dataset=<name>

Debugging can be enabled and on the isi_stats_d log file with the following command syntax:

# isi_stats_tool --action set_tracelevel --value debug

# cat /var/log/isi_stats_d.log
  1. To investigate protocol issues, the ‘isi services’ and ‘lwsm’ CLI commands can be useful. For example, to check the status of the S3 protocol:
# /usr/likewise/bin/lwsm list | grep -i protocol
hdfs                       [protocol]    stopped
lwswift                    [protocol]    running (lwswift: 8393)
nfs                        [protocol]    running (nfs: 8396)
s3                         [protocol]    stopped
srv                        [protocol]    running (lwio: 8096)

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwsm status s3

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwsm info s3
Service: s3
Description: S3 Server
Categories: protocol
Path: /usr/likewise/lib/lw-svcm/
Dependencies: lsass onefs_s3 AuditEnabled?flt_audit_s3
Container: s3

The above CLI output confirms that the S3 protocol is inactive. The S3 service can be started as follows:

# isi services -a | grep -i s3
s3                   S3 Service                               Enabled

Similarly, the S3 service can be restarted as follows:

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwsm restart s3
Stopping service: s3
Starting service: s3

To investigate further, the protocol’s log level verbosity can be increase. For example, to set the s3 log to ‘debug’:

# isi s3 log-level view
Current logging level is 'info'

# isi s3 log-level modify debug

# isi s3 log-level view
Current logging level is 'debug'

Next, view and monitor the appropriate protocol log. For example, for the S3 protocol:

# cat /var/log/s3.log

# tail -f /var/log/s3.log

Beyond the above, /var/log/messages can also be monitored for pertinent errors, since the main partition performance (PP) modules log to this file. Debug level logging can be enabled for the various PP modules as follows


# sysctl ilog.ifs.acct.raa.syslog=debug+ 
ilog.ifs.acct.raa.syslog: error,warning,notice (inherited) -> error,warning,notice,info,debug


# sysctl ilog.ifs.acct.rat.syslog=debug+
ilog.ifs.acct.rat.syslog: error,warning,notice (inherited) -> error,warning,notice,info,debug

Actor work:

# sysctl error,warning,notice (inherited) -> error,warning,notice,info,debug

When finished, the default logging levels for the above modules can be restored as follows:

# sysctl ilog.ifs.acct.raa.syslog=notice+

# sysctl ilog.ifs.acct.rat.syslog=notice+

# sysctl

OneFS SmartQoS Configuration and Setup

In the previous article in this series, we looked at the underlying architecture and management of SmartQoS in OneFS 9.5. Next, we’ll step through an example SmartQoS configuration via the CLI and WebUI.

After an initial set up, configuring a SmartQoS protocol Ops limit comprises four fundamental steps. These are:

Step Task Description Example
1 Identify Metrics of interest Used for tracking, to enforce an Ops limit Uses ‘path and ‘protocol’ for the metrics to identify the workload.
2 Create a Dataset For tracking all of the chosen metric categories Create the dataset ‘ds1’ with the metrics identified.
3 Pin a Workload To specify exactly which values to track within the chosen metrics path: /ifs/data/client_exports

protocol: nfs3

4 Set a Limit To limit Ops based on the dataset, metrics (categories), and metric values defined by the workload Protocol_ops limit: 100


Step 1:

First, select a metric of interest. For this example we’ll use the following:

  • Protocol: NFSv3
  • Path: /ifs/test/expt_nfs

If not already present, create and verify an NFS export – in this case at /ifs/test/expt_nfs:

# isi nfs exports create /ifs/test/expt_nfs

# isi nfs exports list

ID Zone Paths Description


1 System /ifs/test/expt_nfs


Or from the WebUI, under Protocols UNIX sharing (NFS) > NFS exports:


Step 2:

The ‘dataset’ designation is used to categorize workload by various identification metrics including:

ID Metric Details
Username UID or SID
Primary groupname Primary GID or GSID
Secondary groupname Secondary GID or GSID
Zone name
IP address Local or remote IP address or IP address range
Path Except for S3 protocol
Share SMB share or NFS export ID
Protocol NFSv3, NFSv4, NFSoRDMA, SMB, or S3

SmartQoS in OneFS 9.5 only allows protocol OPs as the transient resources used for configuring a limit ceiling.

For example, the following CL I command can be used to create a dataset ‘ds1’, specifying protocol and path as the ID metrics:

# isi performance datasets create --name ds1 protocol path

Created new performance dataset 'ds1' with ID number 1.

Note: Resource usage tracking by ‘path’ metric is only supported by SMB and NFS.

The following command will display any configured datasets:

# isi performance datasets list

Or, from the WebUI by navigating to Cluster management > Smart QoS:


Step 3:

After the dataset has been created, a workload can be pinned to it by specifying the metric values. For example:

# isi performance workloads pin ds1 protocol:nfs3 path: /ifs/test/expt_nfs

Pinned performance dataset workload with ID number 100.

Or from the WebUI by browsing to Cluster management > Smart QoS > Pin workload:

After pinning a workload, the entry will show in the ‘Top Workloads’ section of the WebUI page. However, wait at least 30 seconds to start receiving updates.

To list all the pinned workloads from a specified dataset, use the following command:

# isi performance workloads list ds1

The prior command’s output indicates that there are currently no limits set for this workload.

By default, a protocol ops limit exists for each workload. However it is set to the maximum (the maximum value of a 64-bit unsigned integer). This is represented in the CLI output by a dash (“-“) if a limit has not been explicitly configured:

# isi performance workloads list ds1

ID   Name  Metric Values           Creation Time       Cluster Resource Impact  Client Impact  Limits


100  -     path:/ifs/test/expt_nfs 2023-02-02T12:06:05  -          -             -



Total: 1


Step 4:

For a pinned workload in dataset, a limit for the protocol ops limit can be configured from the CLI using the following syntax:

# isi performance workloads modify <dataset> <workload ID> --limits protocol_ops:<value>

When configuring SmartQoS, always be aware that it is a powerful performance throttling tool which can be applied to significant areas of a cluster’s data and userbase. For example, protocol OPs limits can be configured for metrics such as ‘path:/ifs’, which would affect the entire /ifs filesystem, or ‘zone_name:System’ which would limit the System access zone and all users within it. While such configurations are entirely valid, they would have a significant, system-wide impact. As such, caution should be exercised when configuring SmartQoS to avoid any inadvertent, unintended or unexpected performance constraints.

In the following example, the dataset is ‘ds1’, the workload ID is ‘100’, and the protocol OPs limit is set to value ‘10’:

# isi performance workloads modify ds1 100 --limits protocol_ops:10

protocol_ops: 18446744073709551615 -> 10

Or from the WebUI by browsing to Cluster management > Smart QoS > Pin and throttle workload:

The ‘isi performance workloads’ command can be used in ‘list’ mode to show details of the workload ‘ds1’. In this case, ‘Limits’ is set to protocol_ops = 10.

# isi performance workloads list test

ID   Name  Metric Values           Creation Time       Cluster Resource Impact  Client Impact  Limits


100  -     path:/ifs/test/expt_nfs 2023-02-02T12:06:05  -  -  protocol_ops:10



Total: 1

Or in ‘view’ mode:

# isi performance workloads view ds1 100

                     ID: 100

                   Name: -

          Metric Values: path:/ifs/test/expt_nfs, protocol:nfs3

          Creation Time: 2023-02-02T12:06:05

Cluster Resource Impact: -

          Client Impact: -

                 Limits: protocol_ops:10

Or from the WebUI by browsing to Cluster management > Smart QoS:

The limit value of a pinned workload can be easily modified with the following CLI syntax. For example, to set the limit to 100 OPs:

# isi performance workloads modify ds1 100 --limits protocol_ops:100

Or from the WebUI by browsing to Cluster management > Smart QoS > Edit throttle:

Similarly, the following CLI command can be used to easily remove a protocol ops limit for a pinned workload:

# isi performance workloads modify ds1 100 --no-protocol-ops-limit

Or from the WebUI by browsing to Cluster management > Smart QoS > Remove throttle:

OneFS SmartQoS Architecture and Management

The SmartQoS Protocol Ops limits architecture, introduced in OneFS 9.5, involves three primary capabilities:

  • Resource tracking
  • Resource limit distribution
  • Throttling

Under the hood, the OneFS protocol heads (NFS, SMB and S3) identify and track how many protocol operations are being processed through a specific export or share. The existing partitioned performance (PP) reporting infrastructure is leveraged for cluster wide resource usage collection, limit calculation and distribution, along with new OneFS 9.5 functionality to support pinned workload protocol Ops limits.

The protocol scheduling module (LwSched) has an inbuilt throttling capability that allows the execution of individual operations to be delayed by temporarily pausing them, or ‘sleeping’. Additionally, in OneFS 9.5, the partitioned performance kernel modules have also been enhanced to calculate ‘sleep time’ based on operation count resource information (requested, average usage etc.) – both within the current throttling window, and for a specific workload.

The fundamental SmartQoS workflow can be characterized as follows:

  1. Configuration via CLI, pAPI, or WebUI.
  2. Statistics gatherer obtains Op/s data from the partitioned performance (PP) kernel.
  3. Stats gatherer communicates Op/s data to PP leader service.
  4. Leader queries config manager for per-cluster rate limit.
  5. Leader calculates per-node limit.
  6. PP follower service is notified of per-node Op/s limit.
  7. Kernel is informed of new per-node limit.
  8. Work is scheduled with rate-limited resource.
  9. Kernel returns sleep time, if needed.

When an admin configures a per-cluster protocol Ops limit, the statistics gathering service, isi_stats_d, begins collecting workload resource information every 30 seconds by default from the partitioned performance (PP) kernel on each node in the cluster and notifies the isi_pp_d leader service of this resource info. Next, the leader gets the per-cluster protocol Ops limit plus additional resource consumption metrics from the isi_acct_cpp service via isi_tardis_d, the OneFS cluster configuration service and calculates the protocol Ops limit of each node for the next throttling window. It then instructs the isi_pp_d follower service on each node to update the kernel with the newly calculated protocol Ops limit, plus a request to reset throttling window.

Upon receipt of a scheduling request for a work item from the protocol scheduler (LwSched), the kernel calculates the required ‘sleep time’ value, based on the current node protocol Ops limit and resource usage in the current throttling window. If insufficient resources are available, the thread for work item execution thread is put to sleep for a specific interval returned from PP kernel. If resources are available, or the thread is reactivated from sleeping, it executes the work item and reports the resource usages statistics back to PP, releasing any scheduling resources it may own.

SmartQoS can be configured through either the CLI, platform API, or WebUI, and OneFS 9.5 introduces a new SmartQoS WebUI page to support this. Note that SmartQoS is only available once an upgrade to OneFS 9.5 has been committed, and any attempt to configure or run the feature prior to upgrade commit will fail with the following message:

# isi performance workloads modify DS1 -w WS1 --limits protocol_ops:50000

 Setting of protocol ops limits not available until upgrade has been committed

Once a cluster is running OneFS 9.5 and the release is committed, the SmartQoS feature is enabled by default. This, and the current configuration, can be confirmed using the following CLI command:

 # isi performance settings view

                   Top N Collections: 1024

        Time In Queue Threshold (ms): 10.0

 Target read latency in microseconds: 12000.0

Target write latency in microseconds: 12000.0

          Protocol Ops Limit Enabled: Yes

In OneFS 9.5, the ‘isi performance settings modify’ CLI command now includes a ‘protocol-ops-limit-enabled’ parameter to allow the feature to be easily disabled (or re-enabled) across the cluster. For example:

# isi performance settings modify --protocol-ops-limit-enabled false

protocol_ops_limit_enabled: True -> False

Similarly, the ‘isi performance settings view’ CLI command has been extended to report the protocol OPs limit state:

# isi performance settings view *

Top N Collections: 1024

Protocol Ops Limit Enabled: Yes

In order to set a protocol OPs limit on workload from the CLI, the ‘isi performance workload pin’ and ‘isi performance workload modify’ commands now accept an optional ‘–limits’ parameter. For example, to create a pinned workload with the ‘protocol_ops’ limit set to 10000:

# isi performance workload pin test protocol:nfs3 --limits


Similarly, to modify an existing workload’s ‘protocol_ops’ limit to 20000:

# isi performance workload modify test 101 --limits protocol_ops:20000

protocol_ops: 10000 -> 20000

When configuring SmartQoS, always be cognizant of the fact that it is a powerful throttling tool which can be applied to significant areas of a cluster’s data and userbase. For example, protocol OPs limits can be configured for metrics such as ‘path:/ifs’, which would affect the entire /ifs filesystem, or ‘zone_name:System’ which would limit the System access zone and all users within it.

While such configurations are entirely valid, they would have a significant, system-wide impact. As such, caution should be exercised when configuring SmartQoS to avoid any inadvertent, unintended or unexpected performance constraints.

To clear a protocol Ops limit on workload, the ‘isi performance workload’ modify CLI command has been extended to accept an optional ‘–noprotocol-ops-limit’ argument. For example:

# isi performance workload modify test 101 --no-protocol-ops-limit

protocol_ops: 20000 -> 18446744073709551615

Note that the value of ‘18446744073709551615’ in the command output above represents ‘NO_LIMIT’ set.

A workload’s protocol Ops limit can be viewed using the ‘isi performance workload list’ and ‘isi performance workload view’ CLI commands, which have been modified in OneFS 9.5 to display the limits appropriately. For example:

# isi performance workload list test

ID Name Metric Values Creation Time Impact Limits


101 - protocol:nfs3 2023-02-02T22:35:02 - protocol_ops:20000


# isi performance workload view test 101

ID: 101

Name: -

Metric Values: protocol:nfs3

Creation Time: 2023-02-02T22:35:02

Impact: -

Limits: protocol_ops:20000

In the next article in this series, we’ll step through an example SmartQoS configuration and verification from both the CLI and WebUI.

OneFS SmartQoS

Built atop the partitioned performance (PP) resource monitoring framework, OneFS 9.5 introduces a new SmartQoS performance management feature. SmartQoS allows a cluster administrator to set limits on the maximum number of protocol operations per second (Protocol Ops) that individual pinned workloads can consume, in order to achieve desired business workload prioritization. Among the benefits of this new QoS functionality are:

  • Enabling IT infrastructure teams to achieve performance SLAs.
  • Allowing throttling of rogue or low priority workloads and hence prioritization of other business critical workloads.
  • Helping minimize data unavailability events due to overloaded clusters.

This new SmartQoS feature in OneFS 9.5 supports the NFS, SMB and S3 protocols, including mixed traffic to the same workload.

But first, a quick refresher. The partitioned performance resource monitoring framework, which initially debuted in OneFS 8.0.1, enables OneFS to track and report the use of transient system resources (resources that only exist at a given instant), providing insight into who is consuming what resources, and how much of them. Examples include CPU time, network bandwidth, IOPS, disk accesses, and cache hits, etc.

OneFS partitioned performance is an ongoing project which, in OneFS 9.5 now provides control as well as insights. This allows control of work flowing through the system, prioritization and protection of mission critical workflows, and the ability to detect if a cluster is at capacity.

Since identification of work is highly subjective, OneFS partitioned performance resource monitoring provides significant configuration flexibility, allowing cluster admins to craft exactly how they wish to define, track, and manage workloads. For example, an administrator might want to partition their work based on criterial like which user is accessing the cluster, the export/share they are using, which IP address they’re coming from – and often a combination of all three.

OneFS has always provided client and protocol statistics, however they were typically front-end only. Similarly, OneFS provides CPU, cache and disk statistics, but they did not display who was consuming them. Partitioned performance unites these two realms, tracking the usage of the CPU, drives and caches, and spanning the initiator/participant barrier.

OneFS collects the resources consumed, grouped into distinct workloads, and the aggregation of these workloads comprise a performance dataset.

Item Description Example
Workload A set of identification metrics and resources used {username:nick, zone_name:System} consumed {cpu:1.5s, bytes_in:100K, bytes_out:50M, …}
Performance Dataset The set of identification metrics to aggregate workloads by

The list of workloads collected matching that specification

{usernames, zone_names}
Filter A method for including only workloads that match specific identification metrics. Filter{zone_name:System}

·         {username:nick, zone_name:System}

·         {username:jane, zone_name:System}

·         {username:nick, zone_name:Perf}

The following metrics are tracked by partitioned performance resource monitoring:

Category Items
Identification Metrics ·         Username / UID / SID

·         Primary Groupname / GID / GSID

·         Secondary Groupname / GID / GSID

·         Zone Name

·         Local/Remote IP Address/Range

·         Path

·         Share / Export ID

·         Protocol

·         System Name

·         Job Type

Transient Resources ·         CPU Usage

·         Bytes In/Out – Net traffic minus TCP headers

·         IOPs – Protocol OPs

·         Disk Reads – Blocks read from disk

·         Disk Writes – Block written to the journal, including protection

·         L2 Hits – Blocks read from L2 cache

·         L3 Hits – Blocks read from L3 cache

·         Latency – Sum of time taken from start to finish of OP

o   ReadLatency

o   WriteLatency

o   OtherLatency

Performance Statistics ·         Read/Write/Other Latency
Supported Protocols ·         NFS

·         SMB

·         S3

·         Jobs

·         Background Services


Be aware that, in OneFS 9.5, SmartQoS currently does not support the following Partitioned Performance criteria:

Unsupported Group Unsupported Items
Metrics •       System Name

•       Job Type

Workloads •       Top workloads (as they are dynamically and automatically generated by kernel)

•       Workloads belonging to the ‘system’ dataset

Protocols •       Jobs

•       Background services

When pinning a workload to a dataset, note that the more metrics there are in that dataset, the more parameters need to be defined when pinning to it. For example:

Dataset = zone_name, protocol, username

To set a limit on this dataset, you’d need to pin the workload by also specifying the zone name, protocol, and username.

When using the remote_address and/or local_address metrics, you can also specify a subnet. For example: 10.123.456.0/24

With the exception of the system dataset, performance datasets must be configured before statistics are collected.

For SmartQoS in OneFS 9.5, limits can be defined and configured as a maximum number of protocol operations (Protocol Ops) per second across the following protocols:

  • NFSv3
  • NFSv4
  • SMB
  • S3

A Protocol Ops limit can be applied to up to 4 custom datasets. All pinned workloads within a dataset can have a limit configured, up to a maximum of 1024 workloads per dataset. If multiple workloads happen to share a common metric value with overlapping limits, the lowest limit that is configured would be enforced

Note that, on upgrading to OneFS 9.5, SmartQoS is activated only once the new release has been successfully committed.

In the next article in this series, we’ll take a deeper look at SmartQoS’ underlying architecture and workflow.