OneFS SmartDedupe – Assessment & Estimation

To complement the actual SmartDedupe job, a dry-run Dedupe Assessment job is also provided to help estimate the amount of space savings that will be seen by running deduplication on a particular directory or set of directories. The dedupe assessment job reports a total potential space savings. The dedupe assessment does not differentiate the case of a fresh run from the case where a previous dedupe job has already done some sharing on the files in that directory. The assessment job does not provide the incremental differences between instances of this job. Isilon recommends that the user should run the assessment job once on a specific directory prior to starting an actual dedupe job on that directory.

The assessment job runs similarly to the actual dedupe job, but uses a separate configuration. It also does not require a product license and can be run prior to purchasing SmartDedupe in order to determine whether deduplication is appropriate for a particular data set or environment. This can be configured from the WebUI by browsing to File System > Deduplication > Settings and adding the desired directories(s) in the ‘Assess Deduplication’ section.

Alternatively, the following CLI syntax will achieve the same result:

# isi dedupe settings modify –add-assess-paths /ifs/data

Once the assessment paths are configured, the job can be run from either the CLI or WebUI. For example:

Or, from the CLI:

# isi job types list | grep –I assess

DedupeAssessment   Yes      LOW  

# isi job jobs start DedupeAssessment

Once the job is running, it’s progress and be viewed by first listing the job to determine it’s job ID.

# isi job jobs list

ID   Type             State   Impact  Pri  Phase  Running Time


919  DedupeAssessment Running Low     6    1/1    -


Total: 1

And then viewing the job ID as follows:

# isi job jobs view 919

               ID: 919

             Type: DedupeAssessment

            State: Running

           Impact: Low

           Policy: LOW

              Pri: 6

            Phase: 1/1

       Start Time: 2019-01-21T21:59:26

     Running Time: 35s

     Participants: 1, 2, 3

         Progress: Iteration 1, scanning files, scanned 61 files, 9 directories, 4343277 blocks, skipped 304 files, sampled 271976 blocks, deduped 0 blocks, with 0 errors and 0 unsuccessful dedupe attempts

Waiting on job ID: -

      Description: /ifs/data

The running job can also be controlled and monitored from the WebUI:

Under the hood, the dedupe assessment job uses a separate index table from the actual dedupe process. Plus, for the sake of efficiency, the assessment job also samples fewer candidate blocks than the main dedupe job, and obviously does not actually perform deduplication. This means that, often, the assessment will provide a slightly conservative estimate of the actually deduplication efficiency that’s likely to be achieved.

Using the sampling and consolidation statistics, the assessment job provides a report which estimates the total dedupe space savings in bytes. This can be viewed for the CLI using the following syntax:

# isi dedupe reports view 919

    Time: 2020-09-21T22:02:18

  Job ID: 919

Job Type: DedupeAssessment


        Time: 2020-09-21T22:02:18


Dedupe job report:{

    Start time = 2020-Sep-21:21:59:26

    End time = 2020-Sep-21:22:02:15

    Iteration count = 2

    Scanned blocks = 9567123

    Sampled blocks = 383998

    Deduped blocks = 2662717

    Dedupe percent = 27.832

    Created dedupe requests = 134004

    Successful dedupe requests = 134004

    Unsuccessful dedupe requests = 0

    Skipped files = 328

    Index entries = 249992

    Index lookup attempts = 249993

    Index lookup hits = 1


Elapsed time:                      169 seconds

Aborts:                              0

Errors:                              0

Scanned files:                      69

Directories:                        12

1 path:


CPU usage:                         max 81% (dev 1), min 0% (dev 2), avg 17%

Virtual memory size:               max 341652K (dev 1), min 297968K (dev 2), avg 312344K

Resident memory size:              max 45552K (dev 1), min 21932K (dev 3), avg 27519K

Read:                              0 ops, 0 bytes (0.0M)

Write:                             4006510 ops, 32752225280 bytes (31235.0M)

Other jobs read:                   0 ops, 0 bytes (0.0M)

Other jobs write:                  41325 ops, 199626240 bytes (190.4M)

Non-JE read:                       1 ops, 8192 bytes (0.0M)

Non-JE write:                      22175 ops, 174069760 bytes (166.0M)

Or from the WebUI, by browsing to Cluster Management > Job Operations > Job Types:

As indicated, the assessment report for job # 919 in this case discovered the potential of 27.8% in data savings from deduplication.

Note that the SmartDedupe dry-run estimation job can be run without any licensing requirements, allowing an assessment of the potential space savings that a dataset might yield before making the decision to purchase the full product.

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