OneFS Replication Bandwidth Management

When it comes to managing replication bandwidth in OneFS, SyncIQ allows cluster admins to configure reservations on a per-policy basis, thereby permitting fine-grained bandwidth control.

SyncIQ attempts to satisfy these reservation requirements based on what is already running and on the existing bandwidth rules and schedules. If a policy doesn’t have a specified reservation, its bandwidth is allocated from the reserve specified in the global configuration. If there is insufficient bandwidth available, SyncIQ will evenly divide the resources across all running policies until they reach the requested reservation. The salient goal here is to prevent starvation of policies.

Under the hood, each PowerScale node has a SyncIQ scheduler process running, which is responsible for launching replication jobs, creating the initial job directory, and updating jobs in response to any configuration changes. The scheduler also launches a coordinator process, which manages bandwidth throttling, in addition to overseeing the replication worker processes, snapshot management, report generation, target monitoring, and work allocation.

Component Process Description
Scheduler isi_migr_sched The SyncIQ scheduler processes (isi_migr_sched) are responsible for the initialization of data replication jobs. The scheduler processes monitor the SyncIQ configuration and source record files for updates and reloads them whenever changes are detected in order to determine if and when a new job should be started. In addition, once a job has started, one of the schedulers will create a coordinator process (isi_migrate) responsible for the creation and management of the worker processes that handle the actual data replication aspect of the job.

The scheduler processes also creates the initial job directory when a new job starts. In addition, they are responsible for monitoring the coordinator process and restarting it if the coordinator crashes or becomes unresponsive during a job. The scheduler processes are limited to one per node.

Coordinator isi_migrate The coordinator process (isi_migrate) is responsible for the creation and management of worker processes during a data replication job. In addition, the coordinator is responsible for:

Snapshot management:  Takes the file system snapshots used by SyncIQ, keeps them locked while in use, and deletes them once they are no longer needed.

Writing reports:  Aggregates the job data reported from the workers and writes it to


Bandwidth throttling

Managing target monitor (tmonitor) process
Connects to the tmonitor process, a secondary worker process on the target, which helps manage worker processes on the target side.

Bandwidth Throttler isi_migr_bandwidth The bandwidth host (isi_migr_bandwidth) provides rationing information to the coordinator in order to regulate the job’s bandwidth usage.
Pworker isi_migr_pworker Primary worker processes on the source cluster, responsible for handling and transferring cluster data while a replication job runs.
Sworker isi_migr_sworker Secondary worker processes on the target cluster, responsible for handling and transferring cluster data while a replication job runs.
Tmonitor The coordinator process contacts the sworker daemon on the target cluster, which then forks off a new process to become the tmonitor. The tmonitor process acts as a target-side coordinator, providing a list of target node IP addresses to the coordinator, communicating target cluster changes (such as the loss or addition of a node), and taking target-side snapshots when necessary. Unlike a normal sworker process, the tmonitor process does not directly participate in any data transfer duties during a job.

These running processes can be viewed from the CLI as follows:

# ps -auxw | grep -i migr

root     493    0.0  0.0  62764  39604  -  Ss   Mon06        0:01.25 /usr/bin/isi_migr_pworker

root     496    0.0  0.0  63204  40080  -  Ss   Mon06        0:03.99 /usr/bin/isi_migr_sworker

root     499    0.0  0.0  39612  22148  -  Is   Mon06        2:41.30 /usr/bin/isi_migr_sched

root     523    0.0  0.0  44692  26396  -  Ss   Mon06        0:24.47 /usr/bin/isi_migr_bandwidth

root   49726    0.0  0.0  63944  41224  -  D    Thu06        0:42.04 isi_migr_sworker: onefs1.zone1-zone2 (isi_migr_sworker)

root   49801    0.0  0.0  63564  40992  -  S    Thu06        1:21.84 isi_migr_pworker: zone1-zone2 (isi_migr_pworker)

Global Bandwidth Reservation can be configured from the OneFS WebUI by browsing to Data Protection > SyncIQ > Performance Rules, or from CLI using the ‘isi sync rules’ command. Bandwidth limits are typically configured and associated with a schedule, creating a limit for the sum of all policies and applying a schedule. For example:

The newly created rule is displayed as follows:

Global bandwidth is applied as a combined limit of policies, allowing for a reservation configuration per policy. The recommended practice is to set a bandwidth reservation for each policy.

Per-policy bandwidth reservation can be configured via the OneFS CLI as follows:

  • Configure one or more bandwidth rules:
# isi sync rules
  • For each policy, configure desired bandwidth amount to reserve:
# isi sync policy <create | modify> --bandwidth-reservation=#
  • Optionally, specify global configuration defaults:
# isi sync settings modify --bandwidth-reservation-reserve-percentage=#

# isi sync settings modify --bandwidth-reservation-reserve-absolute=#

# isi sync settings modify --clear-bandwidth-reservation-reserve

These settings relate to how much bandwidth should be allocated to policies that do not have a reservation

By default, there is a 1% percentage reserve. Bandwidth calculations are based on the bandwidth rule that is set, not on actual network conditions. If a policy does not have a specified reservation, resources are allocated from the reserve defined in the global configuration settings.

If there is insufficient bandwidth available for all policies to get their requested amounts, the bandwidth is evenly split across all running policies until they reach their requested reservation. This effectively ensures that the policies with the lowest requirements will reach their reservation before policies with larger reservations, helping to prevent bandwidth starvation.

For example, take the following three policies:

Total of 15 Mb/s bandwidth    
Policy Requested Allocated
Policy 1 10 Mb/s 5 Mb/s
Policy 2 20 Mb/s 5 Mb/s
Policy 3 30 Mb/s 5 Mb/s

All three policies equally share the available 15 Mb/s of bandwidth (5 Mb/s each):

Say that the total bandwidth allocation in the scenario above is increased from 15 Mb/s to 40 Mb/s:

Total of 40 Mb/s bandwidth    
Policy Requested Allocated
Policy 1 10 Mb/s 10 Mb/s
Policy 2 20 Mb/s 15 Mb/s
Policy 3 30 Mb/s 15 Mb/s

The lowest reservation rule, policy 1, now receives its full allocation of 10 Mb/s, and the two other policies split the remaining bandwidth (15 Mb/s each).

There are several tools to aid comprehending and troubleshooting SyncIQ’s bandwidth allocation. For example, the following command will display the SyncIQ policy configuration:

# isi sync policies list

Name        Path            Action  Enabled  Target


policy1 /ifs/data/zone1 copy    Yes      onefs-trgt1

policy2 /ifs/data/zone3 copy    Yes      onefs-trgt2

# isi sync policies view <name>

# isi sync policies view zone1-zone2

ID: ce0cbbba832e60d7ce7713206f7367bb

Name: policy1

Path: /ifs/data/zone1

Action: copy

Enabled: Yes

Target: onefs-trgt1


Check Integrity: Yes

Source Include Directories: -

Source Exclude Directories: /ifs/data/zone1/zone4

Source Subnet: -

Source Pool: -

Source Match Criteria: -

Target Path: /ifs/data/zone2/zone1_sync

Target Snapshot Archive: No

Target Snapshot Pattern: SIQ-%{SrcCluster}-%{PolicyName}-%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S

Target Snapshot Expiration: Never

Target Snapshot Alias: SIQ-%{SrcCluster}-%{PolicyName}-latest

Sync Existing Target Snapshot Pattern: %{SnapName}-%{SnapCreateTime}

Sync Existing Snapshot Expiration: No

Target Detect Modifications: Yes

Source Snapshot Archive: No

Source Snapshot Pattern:

Source Snapshot Expiration: Never

Snapshot Sync Pattern: *

Snapshot Sync Existing: No

Schedule: when-source-modified

Job Delay: 10m

Skip When Source Unmodified: No

RPO Alert: -

Log Level: trace

Log Removed Files: No

Workers Per Node: 3

Report Max Age: 1Y

Report Max Count: 2000

Force Interface: No

Restrict Target Network: No

Target Compare Initial Sync: No

Disable Stf: No

Expected Dataloss: No

Disable Fofb: No

Disable File Split: No

Changelist creation enabled: No

Accelerated Failback: No

Database Mirrored: False

Source Domain Marked: False

Priority: high

Cloud Deep Copy: deny

Bandwidth Reservation: -

Last Job State: running

Last Started: 2022-03-15T11:35:39

Last Success: 2022-03-15T11:35:39

Password Set: No

Conflicted: No

Has Sync State: Yes

Source Certificate ID:

Target Certificate ID:

OCSP Issuer Certificate ID:

OCSP Address:

Encryption Cipher List:

Encrypted: No

Linked Service Policies: -

Delete Quotas: Yes

Disable Quota Tmp Dir: No

Ignore Recursive Quota: No

Allow Copy Fb: No

Bandwidth Rules can be viewed via the CLI as follows:

# isi sync rules list

ID Enabled Type      Limit      Days    Begin  End


bw-0 Yes bandwidth 50000 kbps Mon-Fri 08:00 18:00


Total: 1

# isi sync rules view bw-0

ID: bw-0

Enabled: Yes

Type: bandwidth

Limit: 50000 kbps

Days: Mon-Fri


Begin: 08:00

End: 18:00


Additionally, the following CLI command will show the global SyncIQ unallocated reserve settings

# isi sync settings view

Service: on

Source Subnet: -

Source Pool: -

Force Interface: No

Restrict Target Network: No

Tw Chkpt Interval: -

Report Max Age: 1Y

Report Max Count: 2000

RPO Alerts: Yes

Max Concurrent Jobs: 50

Bandwidth Reservation Reserve Percentage: 1

Bandwidth Reservation Reserve Absolute: -

Encryption Required: Yes

Cluster Certificate ID:

OCSP Issuer Certificate ID:

OCSP Address:

Encryption Cipher List:

Renegotiation Period: 8H

Service History Max Age: 1Y

Service History Max Count: 2000

Use Workers Per Node: No

OneFS File Filtering

OneFS file filtering enables a cluster administrator to either allow or deny access to files based on their file extensions. This allows the immediate blocking of certain types of files that might cause security issues, content licensing violations, throughput or productivity disruptions, or general storage bloat. For example, the ability to universally block an executable file extension such as ‘.exe’ after discovery of a software vulnerability is undeniably valuable.

File filtering in OneFS is multi-protocol, with support for SMB, NFS, HDFS and S3 at a per-access zone granularity. It also includes default share and per share level configuration for SMB, and specified file extensions can be instantly added or removed if the restriction policy changes.

Within OneFS, file filtering has two basic modes of operation:

  • Allow file writes
  • Deny file writes

In allow rights mode, an inclusion list specifies the file types by extension which can be written. In this example, OneFS only permits mp4 files, blocking all other file types.

# isi file-filter settings modify --file-filter-type allow

--file-filter-extensions .mp4

# isi file-filter settings view

               Enabled: Yes

File Filter Extensions: mp4

      File Filter Type: allow

In contrast, with deny writes configured, an exclusion list specifies file types by extension which are denied from being written. OneFS permits all other file types to be written.

# isi file-filter settings modify --file-filter-type deny --file-filter-extensions .txt

# isi file-filter settings view

               Enabled: Yes

File Filter Extensions: txt

      File Filter Type: deny

For example, with the configuration above, OneFS denies all other file types than ‘.txt’ from being written to the share, as shown in the following Windows client CMD shell output.

 Note that preexisting files with filtered extensions on the cluster are still be able to read or deleted, but not appended.

Additionally, file filtering can also be configured when creating or modifying a share via the ‘isi smb shares create’ or ‘isi smb shares modify’ commands.

For example, the following CLI syntax enables file filtering on a share named ‘prodA’ and denies writing ‘.wav’ and ‘.mp3’ file types:

# isi smb shares create prodA /ifs/test/proda --file-filtering-enabled=yes --file-filter-extensions=.wav,.mp3

Similarly, to enable file filtering on a share named ‘prodB’ and allow writing only ‘.xml’ files:

# isi smb shares modify prodB --file-filtering-enabled=yes --file-filter-extensions=xml --file-filter-type=allow

Note that if a preceding ‘.’ (dot character) is omitted from a ‘–file-filter-extensions’ argument, the dot will automatically be added as a prefix to any file filter extension specified. Also, up to 254 characters can be used to specify a file filter extension.

Be aware that characters such as ‘*’ and ‘?’ are not recognized as ‘wildcard’ characters in OneFS file filtering and cannot be used to match multiple extensions. For example, the file filter extension ‘mp*’ will match the file*, but not f1.mp3 or f1.mp4, etc.

A previous set of file extensions can be easily removed from the filtering configuration as follows:

# isi file-filter settings modify --clear-file-filter-extensions

File filtering can also be configured to allow or deny file writes based on file type at a per-access zone level, limiting filtering rules exclusively to files in the specified zone. OneFS does not take into consideration which file sharing protocol was used to connect to the access zone when applying file filtering rules. However, additional file filtering can be applied at the SMB share level.

The ‘isi file-filter settings modify’ command can be used to enable file filtering per access zone and specify which file types users are denied or allowed write access. For example, the following CLI syntax enables file filtering in the ‘az3’ zone and only allows users to write html and xml file types:

# isi file-filter settings modify --zone=az3 --enabled=yes --file-filter-type=allow --file-filter-extensions=.xml,.html

Similarly, the following command prevents writing pdf, txt, and word files in zone ‘az3’:

# isi file-filter settings modify --zone=az3 --enabled=yes --file-filter-type=deny --file-filter-extensions=.doc,.pdf,.txt

The file filtering settings in an access zone can be confirmed by running the ‘isi file-filter settings view’ command. For example, the following syntax displays file filtering config in the az3 access zone:

# isi file-filter settings view --zone=az3

               Enabled: Yes

File Filter Extensions: doc, pdf, txt

      File Filter Type: deny

For security post-mortem and audit purposes, file filtering events are written to /var/log/lwiod.log at the ‘verbose’ log level. The following CLI commands can be used to configure the lwiod.log level:

# isi smb log-level view

Current logging level: 'info'

# isi smb log-level modify verbose

# isi smb log-level view

Current logging level: 'verbose'

For example, the following entry is logged when unsuccessfully attempting to create file /ifs/test/f1.txt from a Windows client with ‘txt’ file filtering enabled:

# grep -i "f1.txt" /var/log/lwiod.log

2021-12-15T19:34:04.181592+00:00 <30.7> isln1(id8) lwio[6247]: Operation blocked by file filtering for test\f1.txt

After enabling file filtering, you can confirm that the filter drivers are running via the following command:

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwsm list * | grep -i 'file_filter'

flt_file_filter            [filter]      running (lwio: 6247)

flt_file_filter_hdfs       [filter]      running (hdfs: 35815)

flt_file_filter_lwswift    [filter]      running (lwswift: 6349)

flt_file_filter_nfs        [filter]      running (nfs: 6350)

When disabling file filtering, previous settings that specify filter type and file type extensions are preserved but no longer applied. For example, the following command disables file filtering in the az3 access zone but retains the type and extensions configuration:

# isi file-filter settings modify --zone=az3 --enabled=no

# isi file-filter settings view

               Enabled: No

File Filter Extensions: html, xml

      File Filter Type: deny

When disabled, the filter drivers will no longer be running:

# /usr/likewise/bin/lwsm list * | grep -i 'file_filter'

flt_file_filter            [filter]      stopped

flt_file_filter_hdfs       [filter]      stopped

flt_file_filter_lwswift    [filter]      stopped

flt_file_filter_nfs        [filter]      stopped

OneFS and Long Filenames

Another feature debut in OneFS 9.3 is support for long filenames. Until now, the OneFS filename limit has been capped 255 bytes. However, depending on the encoding type, this could potentially be an impediment for certain languages such as Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, and Thai, and can create issues for customers who work with international languages that use multi-byte UTF-8 characters.

Since some international languages use up to 4 bytes per character, a file name of 255 bytes could be limited to as few as 63 characters when using certain languages on a cluster.

To address this, the new long filenames feature provides support for names up to 255 Unicode characters, by increasing the maximum file name length from 255 bytes to 1024 bytes. In conjunction with this, the OneFS maximum path length is also increased from 1024 bytes to 4096 bytes.

Before creating a name length configuration, the cluster must be running OneFS 9.3. However, the long filename feature is not activated or enabled by default. You have to opt-in by creating a “name length” configuration. That said, the recommendation is to only enable long filename support if you are actually planning on using it.  This is because, once enabled, OneFS does not track if, when, or where, a long file name or path is created.

The following procedure can be used to configure a PowerScale cluster for long filename support:

Step 1:  Ensure cluster is running OneFS 9.3 or later.

The ‘uname’ CLI command output will display a cluster’s current OneFS version.

For example:

# uname -sr

Isilon OneFS v9.3.0.0

The current OneFS version information is also displayed at the upper right of any of the OneFS WebUI pages. If the output from step 1 shows the cluster running an earlier release, an upgrade to OneFS 9.3 will be required. This can be accomplished either using the ‘isi upgrade cluster’ CLI command or from the OneFS WebUI, by going to Cluster Management > upgrade.

Once the upgrade has completed it will need to be committed, either by following the WebUI prompts, or using the ‘isi upgrade cluster commit’ CLI command.

Step 2.  Verify Cluster’s Long Filename Support Configuration

  1. Viewing a Cluster’s Long Filename Support Settings

The ‘isi namelength list’ CLI command output will verify a cluster’s long filename support status. For example, the following cluster already has long filename support enabled on the /ifs/tst path:

# isi namelength list

Path     Policy     Max Bytes  Max Chars


/ifs/tst restricted 255        255


Total: 1

Step 3.  Configure Long Filename Support

The ‘isi namelength create <path>’ CLI command can be run on the cluster to enable long filename support.

# mkdir /ifs/lfn

# isi namelength create --max-bytes 1024 --max-chars 1024 /ifs/lfn

By default, namelength support is created with default maximum values of 255 Bytes in length and 255 characters.

Step 4:  Confirm Long Filename Support is Configured

The ‘isi namelength list’ CLI command output will confirm that the cluster’s /ifs/lfn directory path is now configured to support long filenames:

# isi namelength list

Path     Policy     Max Bytes  Max Chars


/ifs/lfn custom     1024       1024

/ifs/tst restricted 255        255


Total: 2

Name length configuration is setup per directory and can be nested. Plus, cluster-wide configuration can be applied by configuring at the root /ifs level.

Filename length configurations have two defaults:

  • “Full” – which is 1024 bytes, 255 characters.
  • “Restricted” – which is 255 bytes, 255 characters, and the default if no long additional filename configuration is specified.

Note that removing the long name configuration for a directory will not affect its contents, including any previously created files and directories with long names. However, it will prevent any new long-named files or subdirectories from being created under that directory.

If a filename is too long for a particular protocol, OneFS will automatically truncate the name to around 249 bytes with a ‘hash’ appended to it, which can be used to consistently identify and access the file. This shortening process is referred to as ‘name mangling’. If, for example, a filename longer than 255 bytes is returned in a directory listing over NFSv3, the file’s mangled name will be presented. Any subsequent lookups of this mangled name will resolve to the same file with the original long name. Be aware that filename extensions will be lost when a name is mangled, which can have ramifications for Windows applications, etc.

If long filename support is enabled on a cluster with active SyncIQ policies, all source and target clusters must have OneFS 9.3 or later installed and committed, and long filename support enabled.

However, the long name configuration does not need to be identical between the source and target clusters; it only needs to be enabled. This can be done via the following sysctl:

# sysctl efs.bam.long_file_name_enabled=1

When the target cluster for a Sync policy does not support long file names for a SyncIQ policy and the source domain has long file names enabled, the replication job will fail. The subsequent SyncIQ job report will include the following error message:

Note that the OneFS checks are unable to identify a cascaded replication target running an earlier OneFS version and/or without long filenames configured.

So there are a couple of things to bear in mind when using long filenames:

  • Restoring data from a 9.3 NDMP backup containing long filenames to a cluster running an earlier OneFS version will fail with an ‘ENAMETOOLONG’ error for each long-named file. However, all the files with regular length names will be successfully restored from the backup stream.
  • OneFS ICAP does not support long filenames. However CAVA, ICAP’s replacement, is compatible.
  • The ‘isi_vol_copy’ migration utility does not support long filenames.
  • Neither does the OneFS WebDAV protocol implementation.
  • Symbolic links created via SMB are limited to 1024 bytes due to the size limit on extended attributes.
  • Any pathnames specified in long filename pAPI operations are limited to 4068 bytes.
  • And finally, while an increase in long named files and directories could potentially reduce the number of names the OneFS metadata structures can hold, the overall performance impact of creating files with longer names is negligible.

PowerScale P100 & B100 Accelerators

In addition to a variety of software features, OneFS 9.3 also introduces support for two new PowerScale accelerator nodes. Based on the 1RU Dell PE R640 platform, these include the:

  • PowerScale P100 performance accelerator
  • PowerScale B100 backup accelerator.

Other than a pair of low capacity SSD boot drives, neither the B100 or P100 nodes contain any local storage or journal. Both accelerators are fully compatible with clusters containing the current PowerScale and Gen6+ nodes, plus the previous generation of Isilon Gen5 platforms. Also, unlike storage nodes which require the addition of a 3 or 4 node pool of similar nodes, a single P100 or B100 can be added to a cluster.

The P100 accelerator nodes can simply, and cost effectively, augment the CPU, RAM, and bandwidth of a network or compute-bound cluster without significantly increasing its capacity or footprint.

Since the accelerator nodes contain no storage and a sizable RAM footprint, they have a substantial L1 cache, since all the data is fetched from other storage nodes. Cache aging is based on a least recently used (LRU) eviction policy and the P100 is available in two memory configurations, with either 384GB or 768GB of DRAM per node. The P100 also supports both inline compression and deduplication.

In particular, the P100 accelerator can provide significant benefit to serialized, read-heavy, streaming workloads by virtue of its substantial, low-churn L1 cache, helping to increase throughput and reduce latency. For example, a typical scenario for P100 addition could be a small all-flash cluster supporting a video editing workflow that is looking for a performance and/or front-end connectivity enhancement, but no additional capacity.

On the backup side, the PowerScale B100 contains a pair of 16Gb fibre channel ports, enabling direct or two-way NDMP backup from a cluster directly to tape or VTL, or across an FC fabric.

The B100 backup accelerator integrates seamlessly with current DR infrastructure, as well as with leading data backup and recovery software technologies to satisfy the availability and recovery SLA requirements of a wide variety of workloads. The B100 can be added to a cluster containing  current and prior generation all-flash, hybrid, and archive nodes.

The B100 aids overall cluster performance by offloading NDMP backup traffic directly to the FC ports and reducing CPU and memory consumption on storage nodes, thereby minimizing impact on front end workloads. This can be of particular benefit to clusters that have been using gen-6 nodes populated with FC cards. In these cases, a simple, non-disruptive addition of B100 node(s) will free up compute resources on the storage nodes, both improving client workload performance and shrinking NDMP backup windows.

Finally, the hardware specs for the new PowerScale P100 and B100 accelerator platforms are as follows:

Component (per node) P100 B100
OneFS release 9.3 or later 9.3 or later
Chassis PowerEdge R640 PowerEdge R640
CPU 20 cores (dual socket @ 2.4Ghz) 20 (dual socket @ 2.4Ghz)
Memory 384GB or 768GB 384GB
Front-end I/O Dual port 10/25 Gb Ethernet


Dual port 40/100Gb Ethernet

Dual port 10/25 Gb Ethernet


Dual port 40/100Gb Ethernet

Back-end I/O Dual port 10/25 Gb Ethernet


Dual port 40/100Gb Ethernet


Dual port QDR Infiniband

Dual port 10/25 Gb Ethernet


Dual port 40/100Gb Ethernet


Dual port QDR Infiniband

Journal N/A N/A
Data Reduction Support Inline compression and dedupe Inline compression and dedupe
Power Supply Dual redundant 750W 100-240V, 50/60Hz Dual redundant 750W 100-240V, 50/60Hz
Rack footprint 1RU 1RU
Cluster addition Minimum one node, and single node increments Minimum one node, and single node increments

Note: Unlike PowerScale storage nodes, since these accelerators do not provide any storage capacity, the PowerScale P100 and B100 nodes do not require OneFS feature licenses for any of the various data services running in a cluster.

OneFS S3 Protocol Enhancements

The new OneFS 9.3 sees some useful features added to its S3 object protocol stack, including:

  • Chunked Upload
  • Delete Multiple Objects support
  • Non-slash delimiter support for ListObjects/ListObjectsV2

When uploading data to OneFS via S3, there are two types of uploading options for authenticating requests using the S3 Authorization header:

  • Transfer payload in a single chunk
  • Transfer payload in multiple chunks (chunked upload)

Applications that typically use the chunked upload option by default include Restic, Flink, Datadobi, and the AWS S3 Java SDK. The new 9.3 release enables these and other applications to work seamlessly with OneFS.

Chunked upload, as the name suggests, facilitates breaking data payload into smaller units, or chunks for more efficient upload. These can be fixed or variable-size, and chunking aids performance by avoiding reading the entire payload in order to calculate the signature. Instead, for the first chunk, a seed signature is calculated which uses only the request headers. The second chunk contains the signature for the first chunk, and each subsequent chunk contains the signature for the preceding one. At the end of the upload, a zero byte chunk is transmitted which contains the last chunk’s signature. This protocol feature is described in more detail in the AWS S3 Chunked Upload documentation.

The AWS S3 DeleteObjects API enables the deletion of multiple objects from a bucket using a single HTTP request. If you know the object keys that you wish to delete, the DeleteObjects API provides an efficient alternative to sending individual delete requests, reducing per-request overhead.

For example, the following python code can be used to delete the three objects file1, file2, and file3 from bkt01 in a single operation:

import boto3

# set HOST IP, user access id and secret key

HOST=''  # Your SmartConnect name or cluster IP goes here

USERNAME='1_s3test_accid'  # Your access ID

USERKEY='WttVbuRv60AXHiVzcYn3b8yZBtKc'   # Your secret key

URL = 'http://{}:9020'.format(HOST)

s3 = boto3.resource('s3')

session = boto3.Session()

s3client = session.client(service_name='s3',aws_access_key_id=USERNAME,aws_secret_access_key=USERKEY,endpoint_url=URL,use_ssl=False,verify=False)





'Objects': [


'Key': 'file1'



'Key': 'file2'



'Key': 'file3'






Note that Boto3, the AWS S3 SDK for python, is used in the code above. Boto3 can be downloaded here and installed on a Linux client via pip (ie. # pip install boto3).

Another S3 feature that’s added in OneFS 9.3 is non-slash delimiter support. The AWS S3 data model is a flat structure with no physical hierarchy of directories or folders: A bucket is created, under which objects are stored. However, AWS S3 does make provision for a logical hierarchy using object key name prefixes and delimiters to support a rudimentary concept of folders, as described in Amazon S3 Delimiter and Prefix. In prior OneFS releases, only a slash (‘/’) was supported as a delimiter. However, the new OneFS 9.3 release now expands support to include non-slash delimiters for listing objects in buckets. Also, the new delimiter can comprise multiple characters.

To illustrate this, take the keys “a/b/c”, “a/bc/e” , abc”:

  • If the delimiter is “b” with no prefix, “a/b” and “ab” are returned as the common prefix.
  • With delimiter “b” and prefix “a/b”, “a/b/c” and “a/bc/e” will be returned.

The delimiter can also have either ‘no slash’ or ‘slash’ at the end. For example, “abc”, “/”, “xyz/” are all supported. However, “a/b”, “/abc”, “//” are invalid.

In the following example, three objects (file1, file2, and file3) are uploaded from a Linux client to a cluster via the OneFS S3 protocol with object keys, and stored under the following topology:

# tree bkt1


├── dir1
│   ├── file2
│   └── sub-dir1
│       └── file3
└── file1

2 directories, 3 files

These objects can be listed using ‘sub’ as the delimiter value by running the following python code:

import boto3

# set HOST IP, user access id and secret key

HOST=''  # Your SmartConnect name or cluster IP goes here

USERNAME='1_s3test_accid'  # Your access ID

USERKEY=' WttVbuRv60AXHiVzcYn3b8yZBtKc'   # Your secret key

URL = 'http://{}:9020'.format(HOST)  

s3 = boto3.resource('s3')

session = boto3.Session()

s3client = session.client(service_name='s3',aws_access_key_id=USERNAME,aws_secret_access_key=USERKEY,endpoint_url=URL,use_ssl=False,verify=False)







The keys ‘file1’ and ‘dir1/file2’ are returned in the , and ‘dir1/sub’ is returned as a common prefix.

{'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': '564950507', 'HostId': '', 'HTTPStatusCode': 200, 'HTTPHeaders': {'connection': 'keep-alive', 'x-amz-request-id': '564950507', 'content-length': '796'}, 'RetryAttempts': 0}, 'IsTruncated': False, 'Marker': '', 'Contents': [{'Key': 'dir1/file2', 'LastModified': datetime.datetime(2021, 11, 24, 16, 15, 6, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'ETag': '"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"', 'Size': 0, 'StorageClass': 'STANDARD', 'Owner': {'DisplayName': 's3test', 'ID': 's3test'}}, {'Key': 'file1', 'LastModified': datetime.datetime(2021, 11, 24, 16, 10, 43, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'ETag': '"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"', 'Size': 0, 'StorageClass': 'STANDARD', 'Owner': {'DisplayName': 's3test', 'ID': 's3test'}}], 'Name': 'bkt1', 'Prefix': '', 'Delimiter': 'sub', 'MaxKeys': 1000, 'CommonPrefixes': [{'Prefix': 'dir1/sub'}]}

OneFS 9.3 also delivers significant improvements to the S3 multi-part upload functionality. In prior OneFS versions, each constituent piece of an upload was written to a separate file, and all the parts concatenated on a completion request. As such, the concatenation process could take a significant duration for large file.

With the new OneFS 9.3 release, multi-part upload instead writes data directly into a single file, so completion is near-instant. The multiple parts are consecutively numbered, and all have same size except for the final one. Since no re-upload or concatenation is required, the process is both lower overhead as well as significantly quicker.

OneFS 9.3 also includes improved handling of inter-level directories. For example, if ‘a/b’ is put on a cluster via S3, the directory ‘a’ is created implicitly. In previous releases, if ‘b’ was then deleted, the directory ‘a’ remained and was treated as an object. However, with OneFS 9.3, the directory is still created and left, but is now identified as an inter-level directory. As such, it is not shown as an object via either ‘Get Bucket’ or ‘Get Object’. With 9.3, an S3 client can now remove a bucket if it only has inter-level directories. In prior releases, this would have failed with a ‘bucket not empty’ error. However, the multi-protocol behavior is unchanged, so a directory created via another OneFS protocol, such as NFS, is still treated as an object. Similarly, if an inter-level directory was created on a cluster prior to a OneFS 9.3 upgrade, that directory will continue to be treated as an object.

OneFS Virtual Hot Spare

There have been a several recent questions from the field around how a cluster manages space reservation and pre-allocation of capacity for data repair and drive rebuilds.

OneFS provides a mechanism called Virtual Hot Spare (VHS), which helps ensure that node pools maintain enough free space to successfully re-protect data in the event of drive failure.

Although globally configured, Virtual Hot Spare actually operates at the node pool level so that nodes with different size drives reserve the appropriate VHS space. This helps ensure that, while data may move from one disk pool to another during repair, it remains on the same class of storage. VHS reservations are cluster wide and configurable as either a percentage of total storage (0-20%) or as a number of virtual drives (1-4). To achieve this, the reservation mechanism allocates a fraction of the node pool’s VHS space in each of its constituent disk pools.

No space is reserved for VHS on SSDs unless the entire node pool consists of SSDs. This means that a failed SSD may have data moved to HDDs during repair, but without adding additional configuration settings. This avoids reserving an unreasonable percentage of the SSD space in a node pool.

The default for new clusters is for Virtual Hot Spare to have both “subtract the space reserved for the virtual hot spare…” and “deny new data writes…” enabled with one virtual drive. On upgrade, existing settings are maintained.

It is strongly encouraged to keep Virtual Hot Spare enabled on a cluster, and a best practice is to configure 10% of total storage for VHS. If VHS is disabled and you upgrade OneFS, VHS will remain disabled. If VHS is disabled on your cluster, first check to ensure the cluster has sufficient free space to safely enable VHS, and then enable it.

VHS can be configured via the OneFS WebUI, and is always available, regardless of whether SmartPools has been licensed on a cluster. For example:

From the CLI, the cluster’s VHS configuration are part of the storage pool settings, and can be viewed with the following syntax:

# isi storagepool settings view

     Automatically Manage Protection: files_at_default

Automatically Manage Io Optimization: files_at_default

Protect Directories One Level Higher: Yes

       Global Namespace Acceleration: disabled

       Virtual Hot Spare Deny Writes: Yes

        Virtual Hot Spare Hide Spare: Yes

      Virtual Hot Spare Limit Drives: 1

     Virtual Hot Spare Limit Percent: 10

             Global Spillover Target: anywhere

                   Spillover Enabled: Yes

        SSD L3 Cache Default Enabled: Yes

                     SSD Qab Mirrors: one

            SSD System Btree Mirrors: one

            SSD System Delta Mirrors: one

Similarly, the following command will set the cluster’s VHS space reservation to 10%.

# isi storagepool settings modify --virtual-hot-spare-limit-percent 10

Bear in mind that reservations for virtual hot sparing will affect spillover. For example, if VHS is configured to reserve 10% of a pool’s capacity, spillover will occur at 90% full.

The VHS percentage parameter is governed by the following sysctl:

# sysctl efs.bam.disk_pool_min_vhs_pct

efs.bam.disk_pool_min_vhs_pct: 10

There’s also a related sysctl that constrains the upper VHS bounds to a maximum of 50% by default:

# sysctl efs.bam.disk_pool_max_vhs_pct

efs.bam.disk_pool_max_vhs_pct: 50

Spillover allows data that is being sent to a full pool to be diverted to an alternate pool. Spillover is enabled by default on clusters that have more than one pool. If you have a SmartPools license on the cluster, you can disable Spillover. However, it is recommended that you keep Spillover enabled. If a pool is full and Spillover is disabled, you might get a “no space available” error but still have a large amount of space left on the cluster.

If the cluster is inadvertently configured to allow data writes to the reserved VHS space, the following informational warning will be displayed in the SmartPools WebUI:

There is also no requirement for reserved space for snapshots in OneFS. Snapshots can use as much or little of the available file system space as desirable and necessary.

A snapshot reserve can be configured if preferred, although this will be an accounting reservation rather than a hard limit and is not a recommend best practice. If desired, snapshot reserve can be set via the OneFS command line interface (CLI) by running the ‘isi snapshot settings modify –reserve’ command.

For example, the following command will set the snapshot reserve to 10%:

# isi snapshot settings modify --reserve 10

It’s worth noting that the snapshot reserve does not constrain the amount of space that snapshots can use on the cluster. Snapshots can consume a greater percentage of storage capacity specified by the snapshot reserve.

Additionally, when using SmartPools, snapshots can be stored on a different node pool or tier than the one the original data resides on.

For example, as above, the snapshots taken on a performance aligned tier can be physically housed on a more cost effective archive tier.

OneFS NFSv4.1 Trunking

As part of new OneFS 9.3 release’s support for NFSv4.1 and NFSv4.2, the NFS session model, is now incorporated into the OneFS NFS stack, which allows clients to leverage trunking and its associated performance benefits. Similar to multi-pathing in the SMB3 world, NFS trunking enables the use of multiple connections between a client and the cluster in order to dramatically increase the I/O path.

OneFS 9.3 supports both session and client ID trunking:

  • Client ID trunking is the association of multiple sessions per client.

  • Session trunking involves multiple connections per mount.

A connection, which represents a socket, exists within an object called a channel, and there can be many sessions associated with a channel. The fore channel represents client > cluster communication, and the back channel cluster > client.

Each channel has a set of configuration values that affect a session’s connections. With a few exceptions, the cluster must respect client-negotiated values. Typically, the configuration value meanings are the same for both the fore and back channels, although the defaults are typically significantly different for each.

Also, be aware that there can only be one client per session, but multiple sessions per client. And here’s what combined session and client ID trunking looks like:

Most Linux flavors support session trunking via the ‘nconnect’ option within the ‘mount’  command, which is included in kernel version 5.3 and later. However, support for client ID trunking is fairly nascent across the current Linux distributions. As such, we’ll focus on session trunking for the remainder of this article.

So let’s walk through a simple example of configuring NFS v4.1 and session trunking in OneFS 9.3.

The first step is to enable the NFS service, if it’s not already running, and select the desired protocol versions. This can be done from the CLI via the following command syntax:

# isi services nfs enable
# isi nfs settings global modify --nfsv41-enabled=true --nfsv42-enabled=true

Next, create an NFS export:

# isi nfs exports create --paths=/ifs/data

When using NFSv4.x, the domain name should be uniform across both the cluster and client(s). The NFSv4.x domain is presented as user@domain or group@domain pairs in ‘getattr’ and ‘setattr’ operations, for example. If the domain does not match, new and existing files will appear as owned by user ‘nobody user on the cluster.

The cluster’s NFSv4.x domain can be configured via the CLI using the ‘isi nfs settings zone modify’ command as follows:

# isi nfs settings zone modify --nfsv4-domain=nfs41test --zone=System

Once the cluster is configured, the next step is to prepare the NFSv4.1 client(s). As mentioned previously, Linux clients running the 5.3 kernel or later can use the nconnect mount option to configure session trunking.

Note that the current maximum limit of client-server connections opened by nconnect is 16. If unspecified, this value defaults to 1.

The following example uses an Ubuntu 21.04 client with the Linux 5.11 kernel version. The linux client will need to have the ‘nfs-common’ package installed in order to obtain the necessary nconnect binaries and libraries. If not already present, this can be installed as follows:

# sudo apt-get install nfs-common nfs-kernel-server

Next, edit the client’s /etc/idmapd.conf and add the appropriate the NFSv4.x domain:

# cat /etc/idmapd.conf


Verbosity = 0

Pipefs-Directory = /run/rpc_pipefs

# set your own domain here, if it differs from FQDN minus hostname

Domain = nfs41test


Nobody-User = nobody

Nobody-Group = nogroup

NFSv4.x clients use the nfsidmap daemon for the NFSv4.x ID <-> name mapping translation, and the following CLI commands will restart the nfs-idmapd daemon and confirm that it’s happily running:

# systemctl restart nfs-idmapd
# systemctl status nfs-idmapd

 nfs-idmapd.service - NFSv4 ID-name mapping service

     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nfs-idmapd.service; static)

     Active: active (running) since Thurs 2021-11-18 19:47:01 PDT; 6s ago

    Process: 2611 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/rpc.idmapd $RPCIDMAPDARGS (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

   Main PID: 2612 (rpc.idmapd)

      Tasks: 1 (limit: 4595)

     Memory: 316.0K

     CGroup: /system.slice/nfs-idmapd.service

             └─2612 /usr/sbin/rpc.idmapd

Nov 18 19:47:01 ubuntu systemd[1]: Starting NFSv4 ID-name mapping service...

Nov 18 25 19:47:01 ubuntu systemd[1]: Started NFSv4 ID-name mapping service.

The domain value can also be verified by running the nfsidmap command as follows:.

# sudo nfsidmap -d


Next, mount the cluster’s NFS export via NFSv4.1, v4.2, and trunking, as desired. For example, the following syntax will establish an NFSv4.1 mount using 4 trunked sessions, specified via the nconnect argument:

# sudo mount -t nfs -vo nfsvers=4.1,nconnect=4 /mnt/nfs41

This can be verified on the client side by running nestat and grepping for port 2049, the output in this case confirming the four TCP connections established for the above mount, as expected:

# netstat -ant4 | grep 2049

tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN    

tcp        0      0     ESTABLISHED

tcp        0      0     ESTABLISHED

tcp        0      0     ESTABLISHED

tcp        0      0     ESTABLISHED

Similarly, from the cluster side, the NFS connections can be checked with the OneFS ‘isi_nfs4mgmt’ CLI command. The command output includes the client ID, NFS version, session ID, etc.

# isi_nfs4mgmt –list

ID                 Vers  Conn  SessionId  Client Address  Port  O-Owners  Opens Handles L-Owners

456576977838751506  4.1   n/a   4          912.168.198.131 959   0         0     0       0

The OneFS isi_nfs4mgmt CLI command also includes a ‘—dump’ flag, which when used with the ID as the argument, will display the details of a client mount, such as the TCP port, NFSv4.1 channel options, auth type, etc.

# isi_nfs4mgmt --dump=456576977838751506

Dump of client 456576977838751506

  Open Owners (0):

Session ID: 4

Forward Channel


             Remote:    Local:

             Remote:    Local:

             Remote:    Local:

             Remote:    Local:


             header pad size                  0

             max operations                   8

             max request size           1048576

             max requests                    64

             max response size          1048576

             max response size cached      7584

Slots Used/Available: 1/63

         Cache Contents:

             0)  SEQUENCE

Back Channel


             Remote:    Local:


             header pad size                  0

             max operations                   2

             max request size              4096

             max requests                    16

             max response size             4096

             max response size cached         0

Security Attributes:


             gid                              0

             uid                              0

Summary of Client 456576977838751506:

  Long Name (hex): 0x4c696e7578204e465376342e31207562756e74752e312f3139322e3136382e3139382e313000

  Long Name (ascii): Linux.NFSv4.1.ubuntu.1/

  State: Confirmed

  Open Owners: 0

  Opens: 0

  Open Handles: 0

  Lock Owners: 0

  Sessions: 1

Full JSON dump can be found at /var/isi_nfs4mgmt/nfs_clients.dump_2021-11-18T15:25:18

Be aware that sessions trunking is not permitted across access zones, because of different auth levels, since a session represents a single auth level. Similarly, sessions trunking is disallowed across dynamic IP addresses.

OneFS NFSv4.1 and v4.2 Support

The NFSv4.1 spec introduced several new features and functions to the NFSv4 protocol standard, as defined in RFC-5661 and covered in Section 1.8 of the RFC. Certain features are listed as ‘required’, which indicates that they must be implemented in or supported by the NFS server to claim RFC standard compliance. Other features are denoted as ‘recommended’ or ‘optional’ and are supported ad hoc by the NFS server, but are not required to claim RFC compliance.

OneFS 9.3 introduces support for both NFSv4.1 and NFSv4.2. This is achieved by implementing all the ‘required’ features defined in RFC-5661, with the exception of the Secret State Verifier (SSV). SSV is currently not supported by any open source Linux distributions, plus most server implementations also do not support SSV.

The following chart illustrates the supported NFS operations in the new OneFS 9.3 release:

Both NFSv4.1 and v4.2 use the existing OneFS NFSv4.0 I/O stack, and NFSv4.2 is a superset of NFSv4.1, with all of the new features being optional.

Note that NFSv4.2 is a true minor version and does not make any changes to handshake, mount, or caching mechanisms. Therefore an unfeatured NFSv4.2 mount is functionally equivalent to an NFSv4.1 mount. As such, OneFS enables clients to mount exports and access data via NFSv4.2, even though the 4.2 operations have yet to be implemented.

Architecturally, the new NFSv4.1 features center around a new handshake mechanism and cache state, which is created around connections and connection management.

NFSv4.1 formalizes the notion of a replay cache, which is one-to-one with a channel. This reply cache, or duplicate request cache, tracks recent transactions, and resends the cached response rather than performing the operation again. As such, performance can also benefit from the avoidance of unnecessary work.

Existing NFSv4.0 I/O routines are used alongside new NFSv4.1 handshake and state management routines such as EXCHANGEID, CREATESESSION and DESTROYSESSION, while deprecating some of the older handshake mechanisms like SETCLIENTID and SETCLIDENTIDCONFIRM.

In NFSv4.1, explicit client disconnect allows a client to request that a server that it would like to disconnect and destroy all of its state. By contrast, in 4.0 client disconnect is implied and requires on timeouts.

While the idea of a lock reclamation grace period was implied in NFSv4.0, the NFSv4.1 and 4.2 RFC explicitly defines lock failover. So if a client attaches to a server that it does not recognize or have a prior connection to, it will automatically attempt to reclaim locks using the LKF protocol lock grace period mechanism.

Connection tracking is also implemented in NFSv4.1 allow a server to keep track of its connections under each session channel, which is required for trunking.

Performance-wise, NFSv4.0 and NFSv4.1 are very similar across a single TCP connection. However, with NFSv4.1, Linux clients can now utilize trunking to enjoy the performance advantages of multiplexing. We’ll be taking a closer look at session and client ID trunking in the next blog article in this series.

The NFS service is disabled by default in OneFS, but can be easily started and configured from either the CLI or WebUI. Linux clients will automatically mount the highest available version available, and because of this NFSv4.1 and NFSv4.2 are disabled by default on install or upgrade to OneFS 9.3, so environments will not be impacted. If it’s desired to use particular NFS version(s), this should be specified in the mount syntax.

The NFSv4.1 or v4.2 protocol versions can be easily enabled from the OneFS CLI, for example:

# isi services nfs enable
# isi nfs settings global modify --nfsv41-enabled=true --nfsv42-enabled=true

Or from the WebUI, by navigating to Protocols > NFS > Global Settings and checking both the service enablement box and the desired protocol versions:

Create an NFS export with WebUI or CLI command.

# isi nfs exports create --paths=/ifs/data

When using NFSv4.x, the domain name should be uniform both the cluster and client(s). The NFSv4.x domain is presented as user@doamin or group@domain pairs in ‘getattr’ and ‘setattr’ operations, for example. If the domain is does not match, new and existing files appear owned by user ‘nobody’ user on the cluster. The cluster’s NFSv4.x domain can be configured via the CLI using the ‘isi nfs settings zone modify’ command as follows:

# isi nfs settings zone modify --nfsv4-domain=nfs41test --zone=System

Or from the WebUI by navigating to Protocols > NFS > Zone settings.

On the Linux client side, the NFSv4 domain can be configured by editing the /etc/idmapd.conf file:

# cat /etc/idmapd.conf


Verbosity = 0

Pipefs-Directory = /run/rpc_pipefs

# set your own domain here, if it differs from FQDN minus hostname

Domain = nfs41test


Nobody-User = nobody

Nobody-Group = nogroup

NFSv4.x clients use the nfsidmap daemon for the NFSv4.x ID <-> name mapping translation, so ensure the daemon is running correctly after configuring the NFSv4.x domain. The following CLI commands will restart the nfs-idmapd daemon and confirm that it’s happily running:

# systemctl restart nfs-idmapd
# systemctl status nfs-idmapd

 nfs-idmapd.service - NFSv4 ID-name mapping service

     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nfs-idmapd.service; static)

     Active: active (running) since Thurs 2021-11-18 19:47:01 PDT; 6s ago

    Process: 2611 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/rpc.idmapd $RPCIDMAPDARGS (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

   Main PID: 2612 (rpc.idmapd)

      Tasks: 1 (limit: 4595)

     Memory: 316.0K

     CGroup: /system.slice/nfs-idmapd.service

             └─2612 /usr/sbin/rpc.idmapd

Nov 18 19:47:01 ubuntu systemd[1]: Starting NFSv4 ID-name mapping service...

Nov 18 25 19:47:01 ubuntu systemd[1]: Started NFSv4 ID-name mapping service.

The domain value can also be checked by running the nfsidmap command as follows:.

# sudo nfsidmap -d


Next, mount the NFS export via NFSv4.1 or NFSv4.2, or both versions, as desired:

# sudo mount -t nfs -vo nfsvers=4.1 /mnt/nfs41/

Netstat can be used as follows to verify the established NFS TCP connection and its associated port.

# netstat -ant4 | grep 2049

tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN    

tcp        0      0     ESTABLISHED

From the cluster’s CLI, the NFS connections can be checked with ‘isi_nfs4mgmt’.  The isi_nfs4mgmt CLI tool has been enhanced in OneFS 9.3, and new functionality includes:

  • Expanded reporting. includes sessions, channels, and connections
  • Nfs4mgmt summary reports the version of each client connection
  • Nfs4mgmt enables a cluster admin to open or lock a session,
  • Allows cache state to be viewed without creating a coredump

When used with the ‘list’ flag, the ‘isi_nfs4mgmt’ command output includes the client ID, NFS version, session ID, etc.

# isi_nfs4mgmt –list

ID                 Vers  Conn  SessionId  Client Address  Port  O-Owners  Opens Handles L-Owners

605157838779675654  4.1   n/a   2          912.168.198.131 959   0         0     0       0

can be found at /var/isi_nfs4mgmt/nfs_clients.dump_2021-11-18T15:25:18

In summary, OneFS 9.3 adds support for both NFSv4.1 and v4.2, implements new functionality, lays the groundworks for addition future functionaility, and delivers NFS trunking, which we’ll explore in the next article.

OneFS Secure Boot

Secure Boot is an industry security standard introduced in UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) version 2.3.1, which ensures only authorized EFI binaries are loaded by firmware during the boot process.  As such, it helps secure a system from malicious early boot code “rootkit” or ”bootkit” vulnerabilities, providing a trusted execution environment for the OS and user applications. This is of increasing importance to security conscious users in these unpredictable times.

In OneFS 9.3, the familiar boot path components remain in place, but are enhanced via the addition of new code and libraries to deliver Secure Boot functionality. Specifically, the BIOS is updated, and the bootloader and kernel are modified for verifying signatures. Secure Boot only runs at boot time, and uses public key cryptography to verify the signatures of signed code and establish a chain of trust to the platform, loading only trusted/validated code.

Introduction of Secure Boot necessitates that all OneFS releases from 9.3 onwards now be signed. If Secure Boot is disabled or unsupported in BIOS, no signature verification is performed, and the feature is considered dormant. OneFS 9.3 Secure Boot goes beyond the standard UEFI framework to include OneFS kernel and modules. As such:

UEFI Secure Boot + OS Secure Boot = Secure Boot

The UEFI infrastructure performs EFI signature validation and binary loading within UEFI Secure Boot, and the BSD ‘veriexec’ function is used to perform signature verification in both the loader.efi and kernel.

Public key cryptography is used to validate the signature of signed code before it can be loaded and executed. Under the hood, Dell’s Code Signing Service (CSS) is used to sign all EFI binaries (platform FW), as well as the OneFS bootloader, and kernel and kernel modules

With OneFS 9.3 and later, automated code signing is now an integral part of the Onefs build pipeline infrastructure, which includes an interface to the Dell CSS for signing keys access. Keys and signature databases are pre-enrolled in the BIOS image and there is intentionally no interface between OneFS and key management to eliminate security risks.

The OneFS Security Configuration Guide includes a recommendation to and instructions for configuring a BIOS GUI admin password.

In OneFS 9.3, Secure Boot feature requires the following prerequisites:

  • Isilon A2000 node platform
  • OneFS or greater
  • Node Firmware Package (NFP) version 11.3 or greater

Be aware that a cluster must be upgrade-committed to OneFS 9.3 prior to upgrading the NFP to v11.3.

A PowerScale cluster will happily contain a mix of Secure Boot enabled and disabled nodes, and no additional is required in order to activate the feature. Indeed, Secure Boot can be enabled or disabled on an A2000 node at any point without any future implications. Additional PowerScale hardware platforms will also be added to the Secure Boot support matrix in future releases.

Since Secure Boot is node-local, it does necessitate individual configuration of each applicable node in a cluster. The configuration process also requires a reboot, so a suitable maintenance window will need to be planned for enabling or disabling Secure Boot. As a security best practice, it is strongly recommended to configure a BIOS admin password in order to restrict node access. Since Secure Boot is only executed at boot time, it has no impact on cluster performance.

The Secure Boot feature can be easily enabled on an A2000 node as follows:

  1. First, ensure that the cluster is running OneFS 9.3 and Node Firmware Package 11.3 or greater.
  2. Next, run the following CLI commands to enable the PowerScale Secure Boot feature:
# ipmitool raw 0x30 0x12 0x08 0x13 0x01 0x53 0x55 0x42 0x54

# ipmitool raw 0x30 0x11 0x04 0x00 0x08 0x13 0x01

  08 13 01 53 55 42 54

The output ‘08 13 01 53 55 42 54’ indicates successful command execution.

# ipmitool raw 0x30 0x12 0x0C 0x13 0x01 0x01

# ipmitool raw 0x30 0x11 0x01 0x00 0x0C 0x13 0x01

  0c 13 01 01

Similarly, the output ‘0c 13 01 01’ indicates successful command execution.

  1. Finally, reboot the node to apply the PowerScale Secure Boot feature.

The following sysctl CLI command can be run to verify that secure boot is enabled on the node:

# sysctl security.mac.veriexec.state

security.mac.veriexec.state: loaded active enforce locked

Since Secure Boot configuration is node-local, this procedure will need to be performed on each A2000 node in the cluster.

Be aware that once the PowerScale Secure Boot feature is enabled on a node, it cannot be reimaged via PXE. However, reimaging from a USB drive is supported. If a node does require PXE reimaging, first disable Secure Boot, reimage, and then re-enable Secure Boot when completed.

Conversely, disabling the PowerScale Secure Boot feature can only be performed from the BIOS interface, which involves interrupting a node’s boot sequence. This is to ensures that secure boot can only be disabled if you have both physical and administrator access to the node. Again, disabling the feature also necessitates performing the process on each Secure Boot enabled node. The following procedure will disable the PowerScale Secure Boot feature on an A2000 node:

1. During the early stages of the A2000’s boot sequence, use ‘F2’or ‘DEL’ to enter the BIOS setup menu, navigate to the ‘Security’ tab, and select the “Secure Boot” option.

2. Next, set the “Secure Boot” entry from ‘Enabled’ to ‘Disabled’ to deactivate the PowerScale Secure Boot feature.

3. Finally, ‘ESC’ to return to the main menu, navigate to the ‘Save & Exit’ tab, and select the ‘Save Changes and Exit’ option.

Once Secure Boot is disabled, the A2000 node will continue to boot after exiting the BIOS.

In future OneFS releases, Secure Boot will be expanded to encompass additional PowerScale platforms.


OneFS Data Inlining – Performance and Monitoring

In the second of this series of articles on data inlining, we’ll shift the focus to monitoring and performance.

The storage efficiency potential of inode inlining can be significant for data sets comprising large numbers of small files, which would have required a separate inode and data blocks for housing these files prior to OneFS 9.3.

Latency-wise, the write performance for inlined file writes is typically comparable or slightly better as compared to regular files, because OneFS does not have to allocate extra blocks and protect them. This is also true for reads, too, since OneFS doesn’t have to search for and retrieve any blocks beyond the inode itself. This also frees up space in the OneFS read caching layers, as well as on disk, in addition to requiring fewer CPU cycles.

The following diagram illustrates the levels of indirection a file access request takes to get to its data. Unlike a standard file, an inline file will skip the later stages of the path which involve the inode metatree redirection to the remote data blocks.

Access starts with the Superblock, which is located at multiple fixed block addresses on every drive in the cluster.  The Superblock contains the address locations of the LIN Master block, which contains the root of the LIN B+ Tree (LIN table).  The LIN B+Tree maps logical inode numbers to the actual inode addresses on disk, which, in the case of an inlined file, also contains the data.  This saves the  overhead of finding the address locations of the file’s data blocks and retrieving data from them.

For hybrid nodes with sufficient SSD capacity, using the metadata-write SSD strategy will automatically place inlined small files on flash media. However, since the SSDs on hybrid nodes default to 512byte formatting, when using metadata read/write strategies, these SSD metadata pools will need to have the ‘–force-8k-inodes’ flag set in order for files to be inlined. This can be a useful performance configuration for small file HPC workloads, such as EDA, for data that is not residing on an all-flash tier. But keep in mind that forcing 8KB inodes on a hybrid pool’s SSDs will result in a considerable reduction in available inode capacity than would be available with the default 512 byte inode configuration.

The OneFS ‘isi_drivenum’ CLI command can be used to verify the drive block sizes in a node. For example, below is the output for a PowerScale Gen6 H-series node, showing drive bay 1 containing an SSD with 4KB physical formatting and 512byte logical sizes, and bays A to E comprising hard disks (HDDs) with both 4KB logical and physical formatting.

# isi_drivenum -bz

Bay 1  Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   512

Bay 2  Physical Block Size: N/A     Logical Block Size:   N/A

Bay A0 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096

Bay A1 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096

Bay A2 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096

Bay B0 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096

Bay B1 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096

Bay B2 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096

Bay C0 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096

Bay C1 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096

Bay C2 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096

Bay D0 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096

Bay D1 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096

Bay D2 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096

Bay E0 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096

Bay E1 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096

Bay E2 Physical Block Size: 4096     Logical Block Size:   4096

Note that the SSD disk pools used in PowerScale hybrid nodes that are configured for meta-read or meta-write SSD strategies use 512 byte inodes by default. This can significantly save space on these pools, as they often have limited capacity. However, it will prevent data inlining from occurring. By contrast, PowerScale all-flash nodepools are configured by default for 8KB inodes.

The OneFS ‘isi get’ CLI command provides a convenient method to verify which size inodes are in use in a given node pool. The command’s output includes both the inode mirrors size and the inline status of a file.

When it comes to efficiency reporting, OneFS 9.3 provides three CLI tools for validating and reporting the presence and benefits of data inlining, namely:

  1. The ‘isi statistics data-reduction’ CLI command has been enhanced to report inlined data metrics, including both a capacity saved and an inlined data efficiency ratio:
# isi statistics data-reduction

                      Recent Writes Cluster Data Reduction

                           (5 mins)

--------------------- ------------- ----------------------

Logical data                 90.16G                 18.05T

Zero-removal saved                0                      -

Deduplication saved           5.25G                624.51G

Compression saved             2.08G                303.46G

Inlined data saved            1.35G                  2.83T

Preprotected physical        82.83G                 14.32T

Protection overhead          13.92G                  2.13T

Protected physical           96.74G                 26.28T

Zero removal ratio         1.00 : 1                      -

Deduplication ratio        1.06 : 1               1.03 : 1

Compression ratio          1.03 : 1               1.02 : 1

Data reduction ratio       1.09 : 1               1.05 : 1

Inlined data ratio         1.02 : 1               1.20 : 1

Efficiency ratio           0.93 : 1               0.69 : 1

--------------------- ------------- ----------------------

Be aware that the effect of data inlining is not included in the data reduction ratio because it is not actually reducing the data in any way – just relocating it and protecting it more efficiently.  However, data inlining is included in the overall storage efficiency ratio.

The ‘inline data saved’ value represents the count of files which have been inlined multiplied by 8KB (inode size).  This value is required to make the compression ratio and data reduction ratio correct.

  1. The ‘isi_cstats’ CLI command now includes the accounted number of inlined files within /ifs, which is displayed by default in its console output.
# isi_cstats

Total files                 : 397234451

Total inlined files         : 379948336

Total directories           : 32380092

Total logical data          : 18471 GB

Total shadowed data         : 624 GB

Total physical data         : 26890 GB

Total reduced data          : 14645 GB

Total protection data       : 2181 GB

Total inode data            : 9748 GB

Current logical data        : 18471 GB

Current shadowed data       : 624 GB

Current physical data       : 26878 GB

Snapshot logical data       : 0 B

Snapshot shadowed data      : 0 B

Snapshot physical data      : 32768 B

Total inlined data savings  : 2899 GB

Total inlined data ratio    : 1.1979 : 1

Total compression savings   : 303 GB

Total compression ratio     : 1.0173 : 1

Total deduplication savings : 624 GB

Total deduplication ratio   : 1.0350 : 1

Total containerized data    : 0 B

Total container efficiency  : 1.0000 : 1

Total data reduction ratio  : 1.0529 : 1

Total storage efficiency    : 0.6869 : 1

Raw counts

{ type=bsin files=3889 lsize=314023936 pblk=1596633 refs=81840315 data=18449 prot=25474 ibyte=23381504 fsize=8351563907072 iblocks=0 }

{ type=csin files=0 lsize=0 pblk=0 refs=0 data=0 prot=0 ibyte=0 fsize=0 iblocks=0 }

{ type=hdir files=32380091 lsize=0 pblk=35537884 refs=0 data=0 prot=0 ibyte=1020737587200 fsize=0 iblocks=0 }

{ type=hfile files=397230562 lsize=19832702476288 pblk=2209730024 refs=81801976 data=1919481750 prot=285828971 ibyte=9446188553728 fsize=17202141701528 iblocks=379948336 }

{ type=sdir files=1 lsize=0 pblk=0 refs=0 data=0 prot=0 ibyte=32768 fsize=0 iblocks=0 }

{ type=sfile files=0 lsize=0 pblk=0 refs=0 data=0 prot=0 ibyte=0 fsize=0 iblocks=0 }
  1. The ‘isi get’ CLI command can be used to determine whether a file has been inlined. The output reports a file’s logical ‘size’, but indicates that it consumes zero physical, data, and protection blocks. There is also an ‘inlined data’ attribute further down in the output that also confirms that the file is inlined.
# isi get -DD file1

* Size:              2

* Physical Blocks:  0

* Phys. Data Blocks: 0

* Protection Blocks: 0

* Logical Size:      8192


* Dynamic Attributes (6 bytes):



Policy Domains      0      6




So, in summary, some considerations and recommended practices for data inlining in OneFS 9.3 include the following:

  • Data inlining is opportunistic and is only supported on node pools with 8KB inodes.
  • No additional software, hardware, or licenses are required for data inlining.
  • There are no CLI or WebUI management controls for data inlining.
  • Data inlining is automatically enabled on applicable nodepools after an upgrade to OneFS 9.3 is committed.
  • However, data inlining will only occur for new writes and OneFS 9.3 will not perform any inlining during the upgrade process. Any applicable small files will instead be inlined upon their first write.
  • Since inode inlining is automatically enabled globally on clusters running OneFS 9.3, OneFS will recognize any diskpools with 512 byte inodes and transparently avoid inlining data on them.
  • In OneFS 9.3, data inlining will not be performed on regular files during tiering, truncation, upgrade, etc.
  • CloudPools Smartlink stubs, sparse files, and writable snapshot files are also not candidates for data inlining in OneFS 9.3.
  • OneFS shadow stores will not apply data inlining. As such:
    • Small file packing will be disabled for inlined data files.
    • Cloning will work as expected with inlined data files..
    • Inlined data files will not apply deduping and non-inlined data files that are once deduped will not inline afterwards.
  • Certain operations may cause data inlining to be reversed, such as moving files from an 8KB diskpool to a 512 byte diskpool, forcefully allocating blocks on a file, sparse punching, etc.